For years I was disgruntled with my store bought lotion choices. The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database had confirmed that even the most “natural” of body products I had found were still pretty toxic. I have spent an accumulation of HOURS standing in the health food store trying to find a lotion with ingredients that I
Read MoreNourishing Seasoned Salt Recipe
Many times it’s the simple touches that make a meal magical. I recently attended a dinner where seasoned salt was passed around the table and loved by all. I decided to experiment with the idea of a seasoned salt recipe using only nourishing ingredients and I have to tell you – I’m in love with
Read MoreEasy Peasy Pomegranate Soda
There are many ways to make a soda. So many choices for starter cultures and even more ingredient options. Some are for the more advanced fermenter and yield a layered complex taste, while others can be mixed in 2 minutes flat. I’m dead serious. Next time someone asks you to a party (tot-to-adult), offer to bring
Read MoreAmazing Homemade Almond Butter
[Almond Butter made with nuts that are soaked and dried before making into butter optimizes the nutrition of the almonds while neutralizing phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors present in the nuts. Not to mention that almond butter made this way tastes far better than the roasted or raw kinds. – Holistic Squid] I am traveling
Read MoreCool Cucumber Dill Soup
One of my oldest and dearest friends, Jennifer, is visiting LA. We grew up together in Texas where I’m convinced the summers are hotter than July in H. E. Double Hockey Sticks. That’s Texas slang, y’all. Jennifer and I would swim at every opportunity and tried our best to convince our parents that was the same
Read MoreMake Your Own Chicken Bone Broth – From Basic To Adventurous
Bone broth. The name alone sounds medieval, something that modern folks simply don’t eat. But more and more, people are turning to stock made with the bones of chicken, beef, fish, etc, for both superior culinary flavors and old-fashioned healing properties. Admittedly, if you’re new to the world of bone broth, the image above may
Read MoreCoconut Chicken Curry Recipe
[Holistic Squid note: I love EVERYTHING that Monica makes, but I especially love when she makes magic with ingredients. In this recipe, Monica uses cauliflower as the thickener for the curry, eliminating the need for processed cornstarch or other nastiness. Savory, nutritious, and won’t leave you feeling like you ate a box of bricks –
Read MoreGrain Free Meals on a Budget: The Melt
Lots of folks these days eat grain free, gluten free, GAPS, paleo, primal, etc. Right now, I am a choose-my-own-adventure eater. I eat all kinds of real food but aim for grain free meals (especially avoiding wheat that hasn’t been traditionally prepared) because I personally consume less food and generally feel better when I don’t eat grains.
Read MoreEasy Meatballs – Nutrient Dense Food on the Go
People often ask me, “How do you always have nutrient dense food ready to dine on at home AND on the go? Where do you find the time?” I haven’t found secret pockets of time, although I’m still searching. I do however, stock my refrigerator and freezer with nutrient dense fast food. Life can be chaotic.
Read MoreHow To Make Goat Cheese In The Raw
I’ve been fascinated with the idea of making my own cheese for years. While I make yogurt and yogurt cream cheese regularly, have tried my hand at kefir, and have even bought some rennet (which sadly expired in the fridge untouched), for some reason cheese seemed like a daunting dairy frontier. Then last month I
Read MorePurple Garlic Sauerkraut: A Traditional Fermented Food
Well, it’s officially summer. So to celebrate, we had our first cook out of the year. It was so much fun to reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen a while. One of the many reasons I love summer is because it is the perfect time to deftly lead newbies into the magical and addictive world
Read MoreCauliflower Crust Pizza – Grain-Free
Inspired by a post I found on Pinterest, I knew I had to create the perfect cauliflower crust pizza for a grain-free alternative to the classic pizza recipe. My family has adopted cauli-mash as our much preferred alternative to heavy, pasty mashed potatoes, so I had high hopes for cauliflower pizza crust which uses cheese and
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