When it comes to essential supplements for health and nutrition, I am a self-declared minimalist. I don't like to waste money on things I don't really need, and I definitely don't like to take a …Continue Reading
Today Abby from PrimePhysiqueNutrition.com is sharing her amazing story of healing eczema naturally after a lifetime of extreme suffering and failed treatments. Welcome, Abby! My journey has been painful …Continue Reading
My blog on stocking a home remedy kit has been one of my most widely read posts, so a few years back I wrote about how to stock a holistic travel remedy kit. Now, on a round the world trip with my family, …Continue Reading
I was all geared up to write you a post about the health benefits of sun exposure and the problems with sunscreens, when my friend Heather over at Mommypotamus came out with a wonderful six part series on …Continue Reading
When my family and I decided to spend over a year traveling around the world, we didn’t initially plan to surf and study Spanish for two months in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. We were headed to an event with …Continue Reading
I don’t know about you, but I don't have time or patience for drama. So when the the scandal and controversy surrounding fermented cod liver oil broke out, I essentially shrugged my shoulders and went on …Continue Reading
You reached your baby's due date. And then you passed it. Are you feeling a little antsy? Well, I have some good news for you: Acupuncture is completely safe and it works. Whether you decide to labor at …Continue Reading
First baby foods guidelines: Unless advised by a knowledgeable practitioner that you trust, avoid solids until 5 – 6 months. The best first baby foods include iron rich foods such as liver, not rice …Continue Reading
It’s no secret, I’m a planner. When it came to having a baby, I dove deep into research about birth and all the gear I would need. When we decided to pack up to travel for over a year, I became obsessed …Continue Reading
Doesn't it feel like a miracle when you discover the perfect gluten free pizza crust or loaf of bread? One of the undeniably sad things about a gluten free diet is the lack of truly delicious baked goods. …Continue Reading
When we said yes to around the world travel with kids, we certainly created a project for ourselves. On a basic level, we needed to determine an itinerary to fill our 15 month journey. We knew we would …Continue Reading
I’ve blogged in the past about travel vaccines and what to pack in your travel remedy kit, but to be honest, the thought of doing any extended travel with kids seemed like a horrible idea. I barely wanted …Continue Reading
When beginning yoga in Philadelphia in the 90’s, there were no special outfits and way fewer gurus. We got together in converted garages and living rooms wearing old clothes to sweat, breathe, and find …Continue Reading
Worried about radiation exposure? Accidents at nuclear powder plants – like the one in Fukushima – might have you avoiding seafood from the West coast. But before you put on your radiation suit, it’s …Continue Reading
When it comes to the natural supplements my family takes, I like to take a minimal approach – using real food as the foundation for good health and filling in where the body might need a little extra help. …Continue Reading
In my acupuncture practice, I often see patients who think they are just stuck suffering through cold sores. Luckily, you can use food to support your immune system and a few select supplements for cold …Continue Reading
Sometimes, babies need formula. So what is the best baby formula? Regardless of how adamantly you or I may suggest that breast milk is the best food for a baby, the fact remains that about 25% of newborns …Continue Reading
Growing up, I don't really recall having limits on screen time. And educational apps didn't yet exist. I watched hours of television after school – General Hospital, Little House On The …Continue Reading
Some couples seem to glance at each other and end up with a bun in the oven. Others may focus on food to boost their fertility. But if you're trying to conceive, it’s super important to grasp the basics …Continue Reading
After months of tweaking the ingredients, I am pleased to present the first Holistic Squid recipe. It is pretty darn delicious, and not only rivals but improves upon the American classic by using maple …Continue Reading
One of my favorite things about real, nutrient dense food is that I find myself eating amazingly delicious things that I previously deemed to be guilty pleasures – bacon, butter, cream, egg yolks, …Continue Reading
I like trying new things, really I do, but when it comes to certain foods, I want them to taste familiar. For example, I don't like chili in my chocolate, and I like my yogurt firm and tangy but mellow. …Continue Reading
After much ado, carnitas has hands-down become our current family favorite – pastured pork shoulder seasoned and slow-cooked in old-fashioned lard. Yes, that's right. I said LARD. Unless you don't …Continue Reading
Yes, that's right. I said LARD. Contrary to modern mainstream beliefs, lard has a great fat profile, and is the second richest dietary source of vitamin D after cod liver oil. Vitamin D is essential for …Continue Reading
I made my first beef bone broth when I was pregnant with my first child and developed a temporary but visceral aversion to all things processed. A friend introduced me to Sally Fallon's book Nourishing …Continue Reading
Adapted from Nourishing Traditions, this is one of my husband's favorites from our early pre-kid days. I remember having blissfully quiet evening on the deck in autumn slurping this soup and sipping wine, …Continue Reading
When it comes to our fridge, every week is the same: The farm box comes on Saturday overflowing with amazing produce, gorgeous eggs from pastured hens, raw milk and cream. Sunday morning we often venture …Continue Reading
When it comes to our fridge, every week is the same: The farm box comes on Saturday overflowing with amazing produce, gorgeous eggs from pastured hens, raw milk and cream. Sunday morning we often venture …Continue Reading
Also known as Persian lactation stew, this delicious dish was delivered to me by my dear friend, Anna, after the birth of my first child. Not just for nursing moms, my whole family enjoyed it. This is …Continue Reading
It is certainly soup season in my neighborhood, and this crockpot chicken soup is both easy and nurturing. The recipe is based on Nourished Kitchen's Slow Cooker Chicken Soup, but I've changed the steps a …Continue Reading
You know what's worse than breaking down and binging on too much sugar? The few days or weeks afterwards when you're stuck in a cycle of dependence and disgust with sweets. Perhaps you have no idea what …Continue Reading
[A note from Emily: I've written extensively before about gelatin as a superfood for beauty, and in this post my fellow acupuncturist, Leslie Murphy, takes it a step further with the health benefits of …Continue Reading
In my acupuncture practice, I often see patients who think they are just stuck suffering through cold sores. Luckily, there are some great immune boosting techniques and home remedies for cold sores that …Continue Reading
I'm super excited to share this post by Leslie Murphy, fellow acupuncturist and mom who has first-hand experience healing postpartum belly bulge caused by diastasis recti. ~Emily Something wasn’t right. I …Continue Reading
I'd like to introduce you to my new favorite food: zoodles. Perhaps you're already hip to this grain-free pasta substitute, but I have only recently discovered my true love for this noodle-y dish. All …Continue Reading
As a grown up, I've become somewhat of an expert in hormones, but I really wish I understood more about women's health growing up. Those sex-ed classes were pointless. And as a teen, my hormones were a hot …Continue Reading
‘Tis the season for sniffles, sore throat, and flu. Do you have natural remedies for strep throat and other winter infections on hand? We all know that strep throat requires antibiotics, right? So …Continue Reading
I get reader questions nearly every week looking for natural remedies for keratosis pilaris. If you don't have keratosis pilaris (KP), then chances are good that someone you know does: apparently, this …Continue Reading
Guess what. I sleep-trained my infant. I am sure it will probably shock and offend many attachment parenting advocates that I chose baby sleep training. I'm sure this will probably shock and offend many …Continue Reading
Bone broth. The name alone sounds medieval, something that modern folks simply don't eat. But more and more, people are turning to stock made with the bones of chicken, beef, fish, etc, for both superior …Continue Reading
Sometimes, babies need formula. So what is the best formula for your baby? Regardless of how adamantly you or I may suggest, persuade, or insist that breast milk is the best food for a newborn, the fact …Continue Reading
Both of my children were born with a faint blue vein on the bridge of their noses, and like any sufficiently paranoid mother, I would squint and study it trying to figure out what it could possibly …Continue Reading