Do you – or someone you love – suffer from dry, itchy, cracked and painful skin?
If so, you're not alone. It is estimated that over 30 million people in the U.S. alone deal with eczema. So what's there to do?
Why dermatologists can't cure eczema
The conventional treatments for eczema include: steroid creams, non-steroid petroleum based lotions, antihistamines, and anti-itch medicines. These medications work with varying degrees of success, but typically after a variable period of time, eczema flares again.
These treatments fail because stopping the rash does not resolve the reason why the rash is happening in the first place. Eczema (and in fact, most skin conditions) is a reflection of a deeper, internal imbalance typically originating from poor digestion. When a dermatologist gives you creams and medicines to make the skin clear, the internal issues are not addressed.
Using cortisone cream to fix eczema is a bit like painting a rickety house that's about to fall down. It makes it look better, and you may feel better for a short period of time. But ultimately the underlying issues must be healed.
There is no quick-fix eczema cure
Each week, I see patients in my practice that suffer from eczema – itching, scratching discomfort that ranges from a mild annoyance to a major disruption of life. While western doctors don't have much to offer when it comes to this condition, alternative medicine does. Through diet and lifestyle changes and possibly a few herbs and supplements, most cases of eczema can completely resolve.
I am confident that I have a comprehensive solution that really works, and I am excited to announce the release of my new e-book – The Eczema Cure: Heal From the Inside out with Real Food!
In this 110 page ebook, I outline four action steps you can take to end your suffering from dry, itchy, uncomfortable skin – for good. This ebook contains the “secrets” that I share with patients (or their parents, in the case of kids), including eating the right foods, eliminating triggers, and soothing your stress-bedraggled nervous system.
These methods really work. I've seen it happen time and time again. I've tested these methods on my children and myself too and cured all three of us from varying degrees of red, itchy, irritated skin.
A visit to my office to learn how to heal eczema will run you over $300. But for only $29.95, you can get The Eczema Cure for a fraction of the cost, and get started with healing from the inside out today.
Ready to end your days of discomfort caused by dry, itchy skin?
Want to find out more info about The Eczema Cure? Click here.
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