Coping with a Root Canal – Fermented Cod Liver Oil Not Working – Relieving Constipation – Treating Molluscum Contagiosum Naturally – Persistent Ear Infections – Low Iron Levels in Pregnancy
My inbox runneth over with questions from readers wondering – What would Emily do – about Real food and holistic health topics. Last time we talked about fermented vs. virgin cod liver oil the meaning of egg yolk colors, and more. I’ve created this Q&A to get your questions answered and for other folks to benefit from the answers too.
Who am I to know the answers to your questions?
I’m a holistic-minded mom, a sometimes beach bum, a real food foodie, a curious health researcher, and I’ve been practicing holistic and Chinese medicine for over a decade. That said, the answers here are only my opinion, and shouldn’t be construed as medical advice.
If you read something here and have your own wisdom or opinion to add, by all means, please leave a comment so we can all benefit from your experiences and perspective.
Okey dokey! Let’s dive in…
Question 1: Coping with a root canal
Sara wants to know…
What should you do if you already have a root canal? I have an appointment to get the tooth extracted. It's a very back molar so I felt it would be fine to just lose the tooth and biting surface there but now from what you said about losing the integrity of the mouth, causing headaches and TMJ syndrome, I'm not sure what to do?
Hi Sara, thank you for your question. For those new to this conversation, my dentist uses ozone therapy which allows him to preserve more of the tooth when he is doing a cavity filling. That helped me to avoid a potential root canal.
If your root canal has gone bad, you may not have another option. However, if it's possible to keep the tooth, it will be better from the perspective of maintaining integrity in the structure of your jaw and skull. If possible, get a second opinion from a holistic minded dentist before doing anything too hastily, and be sure to implement dietary changes for optimal dental health. (I highly recommend this book.)
Question 2: Fermented cod liver oil not working
Cynthia asks…
My baby breaks out in bumps when he has fermented cod liver oil. Any ideas or other suggestions?
Hi Cynthia – Some folks find they are sensitive to the histamines created by the fermentation process. Though it's more pricey, and currently only comes in liquid, I would recommend trying this extra virgin cod liver oil instead.
Question 3: Constipation in a 2 year old
Lisa says…
I am looking for advice to help relieve chronic constipation in my 2-year-old. We already do a daily probiotic, olive oil and all the non-constipating fruits and veggies. She doesn't like prune juice. She's an ovo-lacto-vegetarian. The only lacto is cheese, no milk. We've been giving her miralax everyday for a long time, but I want to try something more natural. Her constipation started around 10 months of age. It got so bad that she had a rectal prolapse! Any advice would be appreciated!
Hi Lisa – Without knowing more about her, I can't say for sure, but I would probably try cutting out the dairy entirely. It would probably benefit her to work with a Chinese medicine practitioner who can prescribe her herbs to help get her bowels moving. Magnesium can be an effective and natural stool softener for the short term. I recommend this one.
Question 4: Treating Molluscum Contagiosum naturally
Dona writes…
My daughter has been struggling with eczema for the past 18 months, but we're starting to see some improvement after about a month of implementing the suggestions in The Eczema Cure…so THANK YOU! However, in the past few days she's developed wart-like bumps on the backs of her knees. At first I thought it was related to eczema, but after a little internet searching, I'm thinking its Molluscum Contagiosum. Do you have any suggestions for treating this sort of viral infection?
Hi Dona, thanks for your question and I am so glad The Eczema Cure has been helpful for you and your daughter. As for the Molluscum Contagiosum, kids really do get it all the time. It is contagious but relatively harmless. I used a homeopathic remedy called Thuja Occidentalis for my own son and it worked great.
Question 5 – Ear infections when you're doing everything right
Nicole is concerned…
I'm wondering what could bring on an ear infection that requires the need for antibiotics. This toddler is healthy, was breastfed for about 2 years, takes probiotics, elderberry syrup, etc and it still happened?
Hi Nicole, thanks for your question.
You know, even when you do absolutely everything right, and you think your child is in a healthy place, they can still get sick. As they get older and start interacting with other kids, they're exposed to a whole new host of germs and it is very likely that they will have a number of bouts of illness as their immune systems are still building up.
Specfically regarding ear infections, some kids will be more susceptible because of the structure of their ear canal until they grow up. In the mean time, here are my recommendation for treating ear infections without antibiotics.
Question 6 – Low iron levels in pregnancy
Leah is concerned…
What would you recommend for a pregnant woman who was told she needed to supplement with iron as her levels were on the low side?
Hi Leah, thanks for your question. As I am not your healthcare practitioner, I cannot give you medical advice. However, if iron levels are truly low, I would suggest eating red meat and liver while using Chinese herbal formulas to “build Blood.” Other foods high in iron include molasses and tahini.
Floradix is a great, non-constipating natural iron supplement to try in place of synthetic pills. For a full overview on how to supplement through diet during pregnancy, read this post.
Got questions about real food or holistic health and wondering W.W.E.D.?
If you have a question for me, please first use the handy dandy search bar at the top righthand corner of this site. If that doesn’t give you the answers you need, email [questions at holisticsquid dot com].
I can’t guarantee that I will get to every single question, but I will do my best (with a priority for questions that will serve the most of the Holistic Squid community).
Also, keep in mind that I cannot and will not give you medical advice over the internet. It’s inappropriate and unethical. If you want my medical opinion about a health or nutritional issue for you or your child, I take virtual patient consultations on a limited basis via phone or Skype. You can find out more about my distance consultations here.
Got answers not included here?
Please leave them in the comments below!
Kristen Suzanne says
Hi! I have a comment re the root canal question.
I, too, have a root canal gone bad. It acts up every 2 to 4 months. I really don’t want to visit the dentist and I operate under the assumption that my body can heal. Here are things I do during a flareup and it goes back to normal in a day or two.
1) Use Living Libations pure and beautiful essential oils (tooth oil blends specifically + they have an ozone gel) on it multiple times a day. When my tooth is fine I also use these products for normal oral care. (I also oil pull a few times a week.)
2) High dose vitamin C. Liposomal and regular ol’ capsules.
3) Cut sugar in my already low to medium carb diet. (I follow a fairly strict Real Food/Bulletproof style diet.)
4) One time I went to my NMD and had an IV of immune boosting nutrients including glutathione.
As a result, I’m able to keep my tooth infection at bay. This summer I plan to have thermography on my upper half of body and I’m intrigued to see if anything shows up where my problem tooth is.
Kristen Suzanne says
Oh! 1 more tip… echinacea angustifolia tincture is good for tooth infections. I buy Dr. Christopher on Amazon.