
Readers ask me all the time about the health risks from wi-fi, cell phones, and electrical devices. Being a lover of technology and convenience, I've mostly plugged my ears and hummed a happy tune.
Slowly though, I started to look around and realized that I am surrounded by electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). I began to wonder – are all of our tech gadgets really doing harm? And if so, how can I reduce EMF exposure without going back to the days of Little House on the Prairie?
How EMFs impact the human body
Gittleman, author of Zapped, a comprehensive guide to EMFs, explains that us humans are basically energy sources with natural electrical forces running through our bodies all the time.
If you have ever had acupuncture, this is just like the Chinese Medicine concept of Qi (pronounced ‘chee'), which loosely translates to “life force.”
EMFs are emitted from every device that plugs into an electrical outlet as well as from airplanes and power lines or transformers. Your laptop, iPod, cell phone or other small handheld electronic devices all emit EMFs when they’re in use, and these frequencies interfere with the flow of energy (Qi flow) in our bodies. Over time, disruption of Qi can create imbalance and disease.
“Dirty electricity” refers to electro-magnetic fields contaminated by high frequency distortions.
Examples are fluorescent lights, wi-fi, computers, battery chargers, smart meters, and plasma tvs, just to name a few. These devices and their dirty electricity have been linked to four of the biggest inflammation diseases: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurological disorders.
Short and long-term health risks from EMFs
According to a study done by the Anatomisches Institute in Germany, high-frequency EMFs had “no notable short-term effect on pineal melatonin synthesis in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats and Djungarian hamsters.” They determined their findings were true for all mammals as well. (source)
Long-term issues, however, are a different story. The World Health Organization (WHO) put out a press release in May, 2011 that states that radiation from cell phones can be a carcinogen to humans and, with excessive use, could be linked to brain tumors.
Excessive EMF absorption has also been linked to headaches, nausea, dizziness, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, respiratory and cardiovascular distress, behavioral problems, lack of focus, certain cancers, infertility and much more. (source)
Every biochemical process involves precisely choreographed movement of EMF-sensitive atoms, molecules, and ions. Iron in blood is affected by EMF as well as the proper function of nerves, blood vessels, skin, and other organs – even the DNA of chromosomes. (source)
8 easy ways to reduce EMF exposure without moving off the grid
Whether or not our technology will be the death of us still stands to reason. There's certainly enough evidence, however, that it's worth considering ways to reduce EMF exposure. Some of the following may be more doable for you than others. For more tips, I highly recommend that you read Zapped which has an additional 1,260 ways to “outsmart the hazards of electronic pollution.”
#1 – Get rid of wi-fi and go back to corded networks
Anything digital or wireless is going to emit a higher level of EMF than a plugged in device.
Wi-fi emits dirty electricity, which is greatly reduced when home computer networks are plugged in with permanent cords. Gittleman recommends that if you need to keep wi-fi, just make sure it’s “at least three rooms away from where you spend most of your time, and especially your bedroom.” (source)
Being the tech-loving geeks that we are in my household, we have wi-fi out the wazoo and don't plan to ditch it any time soon. Our compromise: every night we shut down the wi-fi router so the machines can stop sending EMFs while we sleep.
#2 – Use your smart phone wisely
It's pretty clear that holding a cell phone next to your ear is not a smart move. Instead use speaker phone or a hands-free kit with a wireless air tube like this one.
Texting (not while driving, of course) is also safer since the phone is further away from your brain as well. As much as possible, keep your phone in ‘airplane' mode to turn off all signals to and from the device when not in use.
#3 – Purge electronics from your bedroom
Hopefully you're spending a good 7-8 hours each night tucked away in bed. To maximize the restorative benefits of your sleep and eliminate damage from EMFs, remove as many electronic devices from your bedroom as possible. This includes using battery operated alarm clocks, moving the bed away from ‘charged' walls, and possibly even shutting off the electricity to your room at night time.
#4 – Get rid of cordless phones and digital baby monitors
Many folks I know don't even have a home phone, but if you do, know that cordless phones emit EMFs even when not in use. This is another device that should be kept out of the bedroom. (source)
Due to some weird wiring in our house, our only phone jack happens to be right near my 3 year old's bed. Not good. I don't know about you, but I just love the idea of an old fashion twirly-cord phone, and I think we will be switching to one asap.
Since a baby monitor is right next to your loved one’s head, it would be smart to replace digital monitors with older corded versions. If this not possible, be sure to keep the monitor (as well as any other electronic device) at least 6 feet away from your baby.
#5 – Replace old box style televisions with flat screen LCD versions
If you've been holding out from getting a flat screen tv, I've got the ultimate excuse for you: newer style LCD televisions have much lower emitting frequencies than the old-school tubes. An LCD screen emits 2mG radiation from a 6 inch distance, but an old CRT television has 4-5mG radiation when tested from 2 feet away. (source)
#6 – Move furniture away from EMF “hot spots”
Walls won’t protect from dirty electricity frequencies. If your furniture is all pushed up against the walls you may want to consider what wiring and appliances are in and behind those walls. Pulling furniture away from the places these lines run will help to reduce exposure. This is especially important for your bed. (source)
#7 – Use EMF filters
According to electrical engineer and building biologist Larry Gust, EMF filters can reduce symptoms from dirty electricity such as “chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, body aches and pains, ringing in the ears, dizziness, diabetes, impaired sleep, memory loss, and confusion.”
The filter/monitor combo recommended in Zapped is this one, which is a bit on the pricey side. I've been eyeing this home protection system, which seems to get good reviews. If you have one that you like, please share with us in the comments!
#8 – Use ‘earthing' techniques
I've written about earthing before in this post: Earthing – Are You Connected?
While you can buy fancy earthing sheets which many of my friends swear by, the basic concept of earthing is making direct contact with the ground.
We're talking bare feet directly onto dirt every day.
The free radicals created by dirty electricity and other toxins are then neutralized by the earth's free electrons and inflammation is halted.
Wanna protect yourself from dirty electricity?
Get off your computer, hang up your phone, and go for a barefoot walk outside.
Just be sure to steer clear of the power lines and those suspicious looking symmetrical trees that are cell phone towers in disguise.
What are you doing to reduce EMF exposure?
More reading
I use a, emf reductor device that plugs in to an outlet which is supposed to reduce EMF on a whole home- it was just over $100 I think and also a necklace called a Q-Link – I also think quartz crystals can help and I have one right near where the cables come into our home 🙂
Quartz crystals will do nothing to mitigate EMF. So many people use hopeful or wishful thinking. EMF is very physical and affects the body in a very physical way. Maybe the crystals help harmonize the energy just a bit, but they cannot and will not stop wireless radiation or dirty electricity which are very physical and dangerous to the body. Also, Q-links are cool, maybe they assist the body to stay a bit stronger under the stress of EMF exposure, but they are not “protective devices.”
Hi.. Thanks for sharing. Do you have a picture of the divice that you use for your house , or the name. And also the necklace. Thanks ????
I am really into the Earthling concept. But what do you think one should do for those of us that live on the East coast? Walking barefoot during Winter and Fall sounds COooold.
grasping the water pipe where it comes into the house – this serves to help the accumulated emf in the body to leave – especially touching the forehead to the copper pipe. Minerals that collect emf, also need to be discharged. Steel taps can also take emf out of the body as well as minerals people buy that need to be discharged. Various forms of Faraday Cages can also reduce EMF – so many kinds of emf from microwaves to various high tech behavior modification.
Where can you still find a corded baby monitor?
Switching from wireless to wired really works – you immediately feel calmer and less stressed.
I like to put orgonite devices on all electrical appliances, and I grid my rooms with orgonite as well. Orgonite works at a subtle energy level. It smoothes the chaotic quality of EMF and RF. When tested, it doesn’t actually reduce the levels of the EMF, but I sense that it does smooth the energy from a chaotic wave to a somewhat smoother wave, rendering the EMF and RF less harmful. Look for inexpensive orgonite – sometimes the cheaper ones are called “tower-busters.”
You can get an earthing mat to put under your feet when you’re working at the computer. The mat discharges the stale energy into the earth via a cord.
A free option, utilizing intention, is to extend your aura into the earth. Imagine energy roots reaching to the center of the planet. This lets you release stale chi, and bring up fresh chi.
Excellent advice-Thanks!
I am extremely sensitive to EMFs. For me, too much exposure causes an itchy, burn-like rash with welts all over my body. I tried everything to get rid of it, and as a last resort after talking to my local guru of a vitamin/herb guy, purchased a Total Shield. Within one week the rash had disappeared.
Getting rid of a cordless phone was quite helpful, too. In addition, I had to do some research about my cell phone and purchase the one emitting the lowest EMFs. I also purchased an old style phone to plug my cell phone into for home use, and the air tube ear phones are fabulous.
The only thing in this article I disagree with is the flat screen TV issue. Those televisions cause a flare up for me as well as hard to control anger, dizziness, extreme fatigue, depression, and cloudy brain. I had to purchase another Total Shield for that television which helps immeasurably (but I still don’t spend time near it), and bring back the box TVs for other rooms in the house.
EMFs are a very big deal. It’s awesome that you posted an article about it. Well done, you! 🙂
Which cell phone did you decide to choose? I’ve tried to research which phones emitted the least EMF, but I was too confused!
This event explains all about the health issues with WiFi / wireless technology.
Date: Oct. 23rd, 2013.
You can also listen to the event via the internet:
“Protect Children’s Health – and ours – in Our WiFi/Wireless World: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013, Victoria, BC – speaking in person: Drs. Martin Blank, PhD, Stephen Sinatra, MD and Kerry Crofton, PhD. Doors open at 4 pm – the talk is at 4:30 pm.”
More information about this WiFi / wireless event: http://safertechsolutions.org/consultations-events/
The “EarthCalm” devices shown in the article do not remove or mitigate dirty electricity. They should not be shown in the article next to the dirty electricity part of the article. They may assist in harmonizing some of the incoherent energy on the wiring of the home/office, but they do not change dirty electricity readings or measurements. For that you need to use either Stetzerizer or Greenwave Microsurge Filters, which are made specifically for remediating dirty electricity. For more info on the dangers of EMF see my youtube channel: EMF Safety Zone.
Hi, we have just found out that a Telstra mobile tower is going up about 500m from our new house, I have tried to stop it going ahead but no such luck, any more info on deterring the EMF’s away from our house would be much appreciated
My husband will never go for shutting off our wireless at night but I can do it during the day. Do you think that would help reduce it in the house? Is it a cumulative effect in the house environment or just a problem if you’re actually around it?
As far as I know the best thing to do is to move. It would be nice if we knew how to build homes that would block this – but I have never found any information on how to. Renovation work that would protect you and yours would probably be too expensive. The bedroom though, were we sleep is probably the most important area. Sleeping in a Faraday Cage is probably a good idea. I sleep in a Faraday cage “plus more” with an air cleaner blowing fresh air over me at night, and it really helps.
Some people do not know the power at night is often a lot higher of a voltage – and this causes havoc with many things, including fridges and furnaces, as well as Wi-fi. shutting off appliances in the early morning, from three a.m. to six a.m is a good idea. There are also products that prevent the higher voltage from entering homes. Small appliances often need to replaced because of power irregularities.
Best thing is to disable wireless and use powerline adaptors.
Second best thing to do is get a digital programmable power timer and agree with husband what times the router/wifi goes on and off. e.g. not on when you are both sleeping.
I wear a necklace from Shieldite. I “energy-tested” it to see if it would work on blocking EMFs (for me)and it does. Some kinds did not. I also have a Green8 protective sticker for my phone and iPad. I can go find exact links and post here, just have to dig them up. I do notice a difference! (Bonus, when I step outside, I break out in a rash on my arms and chest. Energy tested to be chem-trails! I had never heard of them. Only happens when I am without my Shieldite.)
Stephanie I would love for you to share the links about the products you mention here!
While cruising the web for info on shielding for dirty electricity, I found this info to share with you guys.
What about those pong covers and defense pads? Anyone know if they work or if theres a better option out there?
Has anyone heard of nu me snappy? Emf protection from New Zealand . I purchased them fort girls but cannot tell if it is making s difference
Hello, we are planning to build an extension to our home and would like to make sure the new space is grounded. Does anyone know where I can get information to pass to my builder about how to achieve this? Thank.s
I have BionicBand (www.bionicband.com/content/bionicband-promo-9) on my hand and I needn’t afraid from WiFi signals. I am not tired, I have no headache from acid orange juice, I have better balance and more power. This band has 7.83Hz as our Earth.
I have a novel idea….How about contacting our Legislators to hold the power companies accountable for their not so smart , Smart Meters……And these technology companies as well. Cigarettes have to have warning labels so should All EMF radiating devices…… Cities have become like a stew of EMFs. The cost to health care will sky rocket because of our ignorance about EMFs . When people understood the dangers of cigarettes people quit smoking. No one in their right mind with any understanding of EMFs would tolerate having a not so smart Smart Meter on their home. Education about EMFs and Smart Meters is crucial so grass roots communication is key..don’t wait for someone else to do it for you , it don’t happen…get involved now so our kids won’t suffer later
I am a construction worker and have had a house for 18 years at the intersection of the hottest power lines out there, 500,000, 250,000 and a measly 160,000. right away had problems, checked for lime disease multiple times then had an injury they put me on oxycodone worked for a plethora of reasons and block some of the pain but years of exposure has made my symptoms worse. Now i know the cause but my family will not accept it and sell so i moved out then after a reprieve moved back in to suffer some more. This has ruined my life and there is no end in site. My house is at 13 milligauss at my bed, 21 milligauss at the desk in the barn where i did IT work for 2 years till i got so bad i could hardly walk on my feet, after trying to mitigate my exposure including shutting down wireless, my son says “i thought you got over it” nice huh i have made a Faraday enclosure and now sleep grounded just recently i do feel a difference but i got to get out of here. Nobody you meet will ever give two shits about this because they have been brain washed and cannot except thinking for them selves. Self sensorship call it what you want if my wife and two sons cant believe the gut who has keep them in the lap of proverbial luxury they will hook up wires to there privates if the gov tells them to. sad
A lot of good tips here. Some not very practical.
We need wifi for cable/internet through Xfinity during the day. Is it suffice to just unplug the router at night? Unfort the only place our router can be is in our bed room.
There are many EMF “blockers” on the market, but as noted, can be quite expensive. Have you heard of BIOZEN? This is the ONLY sticker chip of it’s kind in the world, recently given the certification as a Class 1 Medical Device, and was featured at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas this month. You simply place the sticker on the back of your cell phone, tablet, on your wifi router and other electronic devices and it mitigates the effect of EMF’s on the body. Like I said, there are other devices and “stickers” and such on the market, but nothing like this one. For more information, take a look here: https://wgnlifetech.com/biozen/#!26
Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this
post and the rest of the website is very good.