There's not much argument about the deliciousness of bacon. Whether you like it crispy or chewy, with scrambled eggs, stacked on a BLT, or wrapped around sweet dates, bacon is mmm-mmmm-good. But is bacon healthy? In my kitchen, yes indeed.
Allow me to dispel the common misconceptions about one of the most loved and feared foods on earth, and then you can decide for yourself.
Bacon is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol so it will clog my arteries and kill me
FACT: If you're a “show me the studies” kind of person – diets high in saturated fat actually have been shown increase HDL, the “good” cholesterol and not affect LDL, the “bad” cholesterol (Journal of American College of Nutrition, 2004).
Cholesterol does not clog arteries. It's essential for many functions in the body, including hormone production and regulation, proper digestion, and immune health. A fairly recent study actually shows that lowering cholesterol has no effect on plaque build-up in the arteries (American Journal of Cardiology, 2003). The modern epidemic of heart disease, should not be blamed on bacon, butter, and cream, but on unhealthy vegetable fats such as margarine, canola, corn, and soy oils as well as the grocery aisles of other processed foods.
If you're more of an experiential learner, start eating high quality bacon from pastured pigs regularly as part of a nutrient dense, junk free diet. You'll feel awesome and won't die, I promise. At least not from the bacon.
Eating bacon will make me fat
FACT: Eating anything in excess will make you fat, but the reality is, when you eat nutrient dense foods rich in saturated fat, your body will become satiated faster and for a longer period of time than when you eat a low-fat, nutrient deficient meal like corn flakes with low fat milk or even a bowl of fruit and non fat yogurt.
It tends to be the carbs, sugar, and processed foods that make us fat because we can eat and eat and eat them and never feel satisfied for long, so we eat and eat some more. This means that – yes – bacon can be an important part of a healthy weight loss plan.
Pigs are filthy animals and so pork is an unhealthy food
FACT: Pigs like to play in mud, but that doesn't contaminate pork. All conventionally raised meat should be avoided, but if you buy organic, humanely-raised pork from pigs that have eaten a natural diet and enjoyed sunlight, you are actually eating an extremely nutrient dense food rich in vitamin D.
If you are Jewish or Muslim, you may choose not to eat pork because it is against your religion. Some will use these principles to justify health reasons to avoid pork – God bless them and their choices, and pass the bacon.
I avoid bacon because it's all filled with unhealthy additives.
FACT: Conventional bacon is filled with junk you don't want to eat. Oscar Mayer cures their “Naturally hardwood smoked” bacon with: Water, Salt, Sugar, Sodium Phosphates, Sodium Ascorbate, Sodium Nitrite.
An organic brand such as Applegate farms uses: Water, Sea Salt, and less than 2% Organic Evaporated Cane Syrup, Celery Powder – that sounds good to me. Even better, get to know your local farmer and ask her where her pigs live, what they eat, and how the bacon is cured – usually the more “homegrown” the less junk.
In my humble opinion, bacon is one of those foods that makes life worth living even before you believe it's a health food too. Try to get yours from a local farmer whose pigs eat natural diets and snort outside in the sunshine for maximum vitamin D. It should be cured without nitrates and a bunch of chemicals. Eat it with joy, eat it with abandon, but eat bacon. It's so good.
What do YOU think…is bacon healthy?
Where do they sell Applewood Farms bacon at? Does Trader Joes have any worthwhile bacon options? What is considered a “suitable diet” for pigs? I know for cows it’s simply grass but what for pigs if I was to ask a farmer?
And what’s the best way to cook bacon? I’ve never actually cooked it myself as I became vegetarian at 15 and just started to eat meat again recently and I’m almost 40!
Karen – We get Applewood at Wholefoods.
As for “suitable diet” for pigs, pigs are foragers and omnivores. In nature they grub around for roots and dropped fruit. To my knowledge, a “pasture-raised” pig eats farm scraps. They should be no GMO of course and not heavy on the soy. I went to a Lindy and Grundy (a local butcher that specializes in local, pasture-raised meats) and they said the pigs were “hand-fed” (!) farm scraps from the next door organic farm (including wheat and black-eyed peas), apples, and milk.
We cook bacon in a pan (just lay it in a single lay in a cold pan and turn on medium heat) until just brown and crispy but not too crispy-burnt. I also hear it’s great done in the oven, so I may try that soon too!
I enjoy my bacon pan fried. I have enjoyed bacon prepared in the oven by others. DELICIOUS! I tried preparing bacon in the oven. The taste was not as delicious. WHERE DID I GO WRONG?. I like preparing bacon in the oven because clean up is a breeze.
SO glad you posted this… now where is the SHARE button?
Bacon used to make me sick, until I found a local farm. Best bacon in the world, I could eat it EVERYDAY!
Hi Savannah! Good question – I don’t know where the share button went, but I will get it back asap, thanks! Glad you like the post. Good bacon absolutely rocks. 🙂
Great post Emily!
Applewood bacon is also available at Rainbow Acres on Washington Blvd.
I heart bacon too! My kids love it, they like to make bacon guns that shoot bacon. I think everyone should put organic bacon back on the breakfast menu. Yum!
You have no sources to back up your assertions.
FACT: Bacon is a fatty meat that *is* bad for you.
“Based on convincing evidence, the panel recommends avoiding processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausage and lunchmeat. After carefully examining all of the evidence, the panel was not able to find a level at which consumption of processed meat could be reliably considered completely safe. Every 1.7 ounces of processed meat consumed per day increases risk of colorectal cancer by 21 percent.”
Source: http://preventcancer.aicr.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=12898&news_iv_ctrl=0&abbr=pr_
More, for your enjoyment: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/jan/13/bacon-linked-pancreatic-cancer-report
Want some pancreatic cancer with that bacon?
FACT: Excessive meat consumption, including bacon, is part of an obesity epidemic in this country.
FACT: Pigs are as smart and sensitive as dogs. Would you eat your dog?
FACT: The reason processed meats are bad for you is that they are cured with sodium nitrite and a host of other substances. She clearly states in her article that she is not advocating conventionally cured bacon, but rather bacon that is cured with 4 natural and safe ingredients.
I grew up on a farm with pigs. We named them, and played with them, and they followed us around the yard……………..and when it came time, we ate them.
Wow! ????
Did you see this Bacon Poem Parody. It’s hilarious and beautiful!
I <3 You. Seriously. Lol.
Thanks Laura! I heart you too. 🙂
I heard that pigs don’t sweat and keep in all their toxins, which is why it is unsafe to eat. Is that true?
That is 100% true. See my post below.
Great article- but its been noted that celery powder is worse than nitrates. http://www.westonaprice.org/blogs/kdaniel/2012/03/29/save-your-bacon-sizzling-bits-about-nitrites-dirty-little-secrets-about-celery-salt-and-other-aporkalyptic-news/
This might a silly question, but how does one find an awesome farmer for quality pork/beef etc? what about a butcher? What questions do you ask?
TIA! 🙂
Hi Steph, thanks for the question – not silly at all! Just find a local farmer that raises their animals on pasture. You will see they will for the most part be grass fed instead of corn. I hope this helps!
Ugh!! You did it too!!! You said nitrite and nitrate in the same discussion about bacon. HELP!!! I’m trying very hard to figure out what all the hoopla is about nitrates (or is it nitrites) and I feel like I’m just chasing my tail! Please, help a sister out. What do you know about these two substances (or are they even two separate substances)? Where do they come from? What do they do to us? Everybody says they’re bad, but nobody ever says why. 🙁
Just a big head’s up on Myth #3…
Pigs are wonderful, beautiful animals and incredibly intelligent. However, when it comes to eating them, just DON’T. Seriously.
I’ve worked on a farm all my life, and it’s a good, organic farm in the northeast. Well-cared for animals, healthy feed, grass-fed, etc. But even with all of that, please understand that pigs’ bodies do NOT have lymphatic drainage systems like we do in our own bodies.
Any toxins they eat, anything they absorb into their systems, any infections or illnesses or anything going on inside that pig, they cannot drain or “detox” from their bodies. Thus one of the reasons why they don’t sweat…there is no draining procedure like we have to get rid of bad stuff accumulating.
So remember that no matter HOW healthy, organic, or well-taken care of that pig was that eventually became the bacon on your plate, you are essentially eating the toxins, bacteria, or anything else that was living in that animal’s body before slaughter. And if the pig was NOT well-taken care of or healthy (usually the case with most bacon)? Well, then good luck.
Just a head’s up.
Thanks Lauren. For being an island of sanity in a land of denial. Yeah Bacon is good for us. And butter & ice cream, skydiving without a parachute, crack cocaine, heroin, whatever we want. Did you know 97% of all crackheads lost an average of 9 pounds last week, miracle diet I hear. So stupid.
Seriously, why are you here? Go preach on your own site.
Oh Lauren, please back up your ridiculous statements with any credible scientific research. If pigs absorbed any toxins and could not “drain” them, they would not live long after their first few meals, that is if they could even be born at all.
Wow, blatant lie or complete ignorance! Pigs do, indeed, have lymphatic drainage systems. In fact, their heart and lung lymphatic systems are very similar to humans and because of this, scientists are considering using pigs’ organs for xenotransplantation (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10863747).
Schematic Diagram of the Lymph Nodes of the Pig: http://www.ucd.ie/vetanat/images/80.gif
Dissection of a pig’s lymphatic system (not for the faint of heart): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dgQN-l_ANI
Pigs CAN detoxify and do so through their livers, kidneys, SKIN (pigs DO have a few sweat glands, although inefficient. It is a lie that they do not have any at all!) and even breastmilk (http://www.thepigsite.com/pighealth/article/465/detoxification-and-excretion/). There is NO reason at all to think that they are not able to excrete ANY toxins! They would die quickly and live a very, very sick life if they couldn’t detoxify themselves at all!
It is still very important, though, to consume pigs that are organically feed (preferably not soy) and treated to sunshine and a stress-free environment, due to the fact that non-excreted toxins are often stored in fat.. If this is the case, then you can be sure the pig is a healthy food. Please don’t perpetuate the LIE that pigs can’t release toxins from their bodies!!
Why are you on this site if you’re vegan? Obviously you don’t heart bacon and that’s fine, but we don’t all need to hear about it. Go post on your own blog.
Of we do that as well. I’m not the only one who came across this & opined the opposite. If preaching to the choir was all anyone did, I myself never would have learned the truth. Therefore, I feel an obligation when I come across misinformation that others may also find to, as the site says “speak your mind”. If all you can tell me is to go away – then it is fairly transparent – go on loving bacon all u wish. While it may be unethical – it is legal & your prerogative – just don’t try telling people it’s healthy for crying out loud. Of all the most absurd BS
ok , after 15 yrs of study i will give some of my findings i am a retired builder/ farmer.
first ,one of the most nutritious meals on the planet is bacon and eggs. how can that be? easy, do the chemistry. i did mine you need to do the research.
here is a little easy to understand breakdown.
otto warburg was given the MOST prestigious prize on the planet for discovering the cause of cancer(and in my opinion ALL degenerative disease) in 1931 and guess what … ? no one listened . did you ? and it was the easiest thing to remember. one word . any guesses ? anerobism very simple(the truth usually is )
to learn the chemistry of oxygen, sugar needs to be analyzed. bottom line is carbs which are sugar and simple sugar are killing us. healthy fats are being eliminated from our diets which are also killing us.
all foods can be produced in better ways and worse(factory farm )ways but still the chemistry needs to be followed, this is the basic rule that will save you. do not allow excessive amounts of sugar to destroy you and do NOT listen to the health industries lies about low fat high carb diets. healthy fats are ESSENTIAL learn the truth about fat … coconut, beef, pig and butter are mostly saturated (the hydrogen locations are filled) this is natural and very healthy. mono is okay like olive for dressing but dont heat it .
the other oils are mostly killers.
this is opposite of what the lying media has told you. look at what the plague of related diseases is telling you THEY ARE WRONG they are selling their products, cereal ,grains fake oils sugar , anything packaged is usually a killer disguised as good. look inside your self and admit what you are doing is not working and do your research,the truth is not hard if you use your own mind and do not listen to hired salesmen. stick to the facts and the concepts NOT famous peoples opinions they have been paid to fool you.
A voice of reason. Thank you Shawn. I hope many take your words to heart. Be well. 🙂
Thank you for this article. I have been going back and forth about feeding my family pork bacon and we are currently on the not eating it bandwagon. The reason why, you didn’t cover, so I’d love some feedback from you. Dr. Axe, who I greatly respect, is all about eating good fats and natural/organic meats, etc. He stated in a course I’m taking that pork has a lot of parasites and toxins in it. Our bodies can take care of them, but why risk it? He also stated that shrimp has 10 times more toxins than pork. I would choose pork over shrimp, but currently, until I find some really good research, I’m staying away from pork. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Denise, the only real advise I can offer is that you choose high quality food at all times and don’t compromise on quality.
I don’t get it. I have met people, have family members, have read about seniors who have lived long lives eating bacon, everyday some more than others. Some have reported eating 4 slices of bacon daily, were healthy, having never having a bacon less day. Most of then reached their mid eightys and some even in their ninetys.
Once a bacon lover and I talked about how much we loved bacon. We decided to eat our fill of bacon, and promised each other to never do it again.. We each ate a pound of bacon , What a total awesome experience. Oooooweee baby ! I have kept my promise and never eat more than 2-3 strips.
We Love Coleman Brand .. which we get it Sprouts farmers Market in So Cal … have tried Applewood but prefer the flavor of Colemans as well it’s a thicker back too so my family likes the thickness better.