This elderberry syrup recipe is a great way to keep your family healthy and happy while saving pennies too!
Elderberries (also know as sambucus or sambucol) have long been used in folk medicine to prevent and treat the symptoms of the common cold and flu. These tiny purple-blue berries are rich in anti-oxidant flavinoids and anti-inflammatory anthocyanin. Even modern studies have proved the efficacy of elderberry extract. (source)
I first fell in love with elderberry syrup when I discovered that my children were more likely to take their fermented cod liver oil when given with this dark sweet liquid. I bought several bottles before I realized I could simply make it myself.
Not only is homemade elderberry syrup easy-peasy and scrumptious, but you also get to control exactly what goes in it.
This means you can avoid the junk in many popular brands including high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and ‘natural' flavoring. Once you taste this stuff you will really wonder why it could possibly need additional flavoring!
This recipe is made with fresh ginger – used in Chinese medicine to warm and protect the digestion as well as fend off colds. Cinnamon is an immune booster that helps to resolve pain. Raw honey (which balances the extreme tartness of the berries) contains micro-nutrients and enzymes that give your body extra support as well. You can read about the benefits of raw honey here.
Take 1-2 teaspoons daily during cold and flu season (taking an occasional break for a day or two), increasing as needed if you start to feel rundown.
While it's great on a spoon, we also like to drizzle elderberry syrup over french toast or swirl it into homemade yogurt.
Elderberry syrup recipe ingredients
- 1 cup dried elderberries* – find dried elderberries here
- 4 cups filtered water
- 4 quarter-inch slices of fresh ginger
- 2 cinnamon stick
- 3 cloves
- 1 cup, raw honey – find raw honey here
Elderberry syrup recipe method
- Add all ingredients except for the honey into a medium saucepan.
- Bring to a boil, and then lower heat to medium.
- Continue simmering for 30-45 minutes until the liquid is reduced to half.
- Before the liquid cools, strain it through a fine mesh strainer.
- Allow the liquid to cool to about 118F (to preserve the enzymes in the raw honey), and gently combine the warm reduced berry liquid with the raw honey.
- Store in a jar in the fridge for a few weeks. For longer storage, freeze into ice cube trays to defrost for later use.
*If you are lucky enough to have elderberries growing wild near you, go on an elderberry picking expedition so you can use fresh berries for this elderberry syrup recipe. Remove the berries from the stems, and prepare as above, using half of the filtered water.
Here in Southern California, wild elderberries are in season in later summer and bushy trees can be found throughout the canyons and mountains. As with any foraging, be sure to properly identify your plant before ingesting.
Don't have time to make your own? I love this elderberry syrup just as much as the homemade stuff.
Do you have your own elderberry syrup recipe? Tell us how you make it below!
Maybe this is a silly question, freezing doesn’t effect the enzymes in the raw honey?
Hi Kate – Yes, the enzymes in the raw honey will be destroyed, but the active ingredients in the elderberry should remain intact. Freezing is not the best option, but it will save time with having to make it often.
Could you make the syrup with all the ingredients but the honey, can or freeze that….and then add the honey as needed for the syrup?
Absolutely! That’s a great idea, CJ. Thanks! 🙂
Could you can the syrup with the honey already in it?
wow that is a good idea lol
I like the idea and thanks for sharing. Im making it now. Wooo hoooo! My daughter hates the taste. 🙁 oh well
I’ve made this and have given to family and friends as gifts. And to ensure freshness and preserving I simply use small 250ml mason jars. You need to sterilize the jars and fill the hot jars with the hot elderberry syrup, and cap. They will be sealed and can be kept for a year in the fridge.
I usually put jars in sink, pour boiling water into them and place the lids in a bowl with boiling water and take one jar at the time, fill and cap it. This ensures that everything is hot and will seal tightly. You will hear the caps pop and see the lid suction down. If cap does not, it means it has not sealed.
hope this helps !! Have a wonderful day!!
The link for the berries is sold out. Any other vendors you trust? I’m not sure where else to buy them, I haven’t seen them in any stores locally.
Michele – I don’t know where else you can get them, but MR is great about sending an email as soon as a product is back in stock.
I have tried to find them several places online and everyone is sold out. I’ve purchased from MR but have never been notified when items are back in stock, though I have requested notification. Any suggestions?
I just ordered some through Sunburst Superfoods. I’ve never ordered with them before, but it appears to be a legitimate healthfood website. http://www.sunburstsuperfoods.com/organic-dried-elderberries/
Can’t wait to make the syrup, it’s been costing me a fortune to buy!!
Thank you Michele! The sight does look legitimate. Am ordering some now and am very excited to make this for my family! Here’s to your good health!
The store where I get elderberries gets them from Frontier…
Starwest Botanicals is where I buy…if my local Co-op is out. Have used them for several years and absolutely am convinced they WORK!!
Whole Foods/Whole Body in the bulk herbs section. Frontier brand.
I am 96.9% sure these are growing in my yard along with the blueberries, blackberries, and pokeberries but like you mentioned I need to find someone local who can identify them. so many things look so similar. great recipe. once i get this sorted out I will get it brewing.
Where do you live? Just wondering because there is a fantastic guy in my area. https://www.facebook.com/merriwether.wildedibles?fref=ts
Michele – I just got some at my local health food store. The brand is Oregon’s Wild Harvest.
I didn’t realise how good for you elderberry syrup was! Thank you for sharing this post, and the recipe!
Is this safe while breastfeeding? I assume that it would be.. but just want to make sure!
Hi Brittany – Yes, elderberry syrup is safe while breastfeeding.
Along these same lines, is this syrup also fine during pregnancy? Thanks!
I’m getting ready to make my batch and realized I put the honey in before simmering! Is it similar to the freezing issue?
Hi Michelle – Yes, the honey will no longer provide enzymes after simmering, but the elderberry itself is still just as potent.
I did the same thing. Really annoyed I didn’t read through because I even went ahead and added some manuka honey, and man is that expensive!! 🙁
I have a question..by “3 cloves” do you mean the spice, or Garlic?LOL when I think cloves, I automatically think of garlic! Thanks for the recipe, I’m so excited about making this! I’ve heard so much about the bnfits , and have seen it for sale..but I have trees I can make it now!
HI Rebecca – 3 whole cloves – the spice, not the garlic. 😉
I had a question on the cloves as well. Just 3 little cloves the little tiny round ones from the bottle??? I’m sorry I’m confused cause that doesn’t seem like a lot at all…just want to make sure I do it correctly 🙂 Thank you!
I saw you didn’t get an answer. Yes just three tiny cloves from your bottle is all you need. They are very potent.
A quick question. Do blue elderberries have the same medicinal qualities as black elderberries? We have blue elderberries growing on our property & wonder if they will work as well in the syrup as the black.
I was just watching YouTube videos on how to identify elderberries. They said elderberries are NEVER blue and are a poisonous look-alike. Assuming the video was correct, please don’t use your blue look-alike berries!
Sorry, but don’t get your information from youtube videos. There absolutely are blue elderberries, the most common kind in British Columbia. I have been picking them and making tinctures, elixers and pies out of them for years. http://www.pnwplants.wsu.edu/PlantDisplay.aspx?PlantID=455
When you use it to does the FCLO – what is the ratio you use? I just ordered the Butter oil / FCLO blend in chocolate cream – haven’t tried it before. Do you think it will work for that too? Thanks! Very excited to try this – will be planting elderberry bushes this summer.
I would also like the answer to this. I’m really hoping the elderberry syrup masks the FCLO so I can get it into my kids. Thanks so much!
Hi Shalonne and Amy – Half and half with the FCLO pulled up in the syringe first so the elderberry hits the palate first. It should work with the Butter oil/FCLO blend in chocolate cream, as long as it is liquid.
Okay, so I’ve been using homemade elderberry syrup (with FCLO) with my littles (ages 2 & 4) for a couple months now and I have 2 questions. #1. My two year old develops red splotches on his skin wherever the syrup touches him (which is typically just around his mouth) even if I wipe it off seconds later. He has no other symptoms, and the splotches disappear within an hour or so. Is this common? Or should I be alarmed? And #2. This combo works SO well (with an almost magical disappearance of oncoming symptoms when I boost their intake!) that I feel slightly concerned their immune system’s will suffer in the long run! I don’t know if that makes any sense, but as it’s my understanding that their developing immune system gets stronger with every bug they fight off, I’m wondering if the elderberries are doing all the work and their immune system isn’t getting the exposure it needs?? (In other words, will their immune system grow dependent on elderberry syrup, so that without it, even as adults, they would catch every little bug?!) I HOPE this is an absurd and unfounded concern! But just would like some insight on the inner workings of the child immune system and exactly how elderberry syrup might be effecting it long term (good OR bad)! Thanks in advance for your expert input! 🙂
I’ve wondered the same thing!
Glad at least that I’m not alone in my over analyzing! 😉 I really hope it’s an unfounded concern…I’m very anxious for a expert response from Emily!
Your little one is probably reacting to the cinnamon. My kids did too when they were little.
This is a year after you posted but wanted to answer this question. The elderberry isn’t fighting illnesses. It’s boosting their immune system to fight those illnesses. Your kids are probably coming in contact with viruses etc and because of the immune boost, are taking care of them quicker…. Either by no symptoms of illness of very minimal ones. Whether your kid gets a 2 week flu or a 2 day flu doesn’t determine whether you their bodies are learning to deal with them. Why go through 2 weeks of misery when it could be short-lived. With that said, if you know you have an illness like the flu in your home and everyone is managing it easily, as was our case this year, do others a favor ad still quarantine yourselves. You are still infectious a few days after. It’s tough when the kids are feeling great, but that same illness may land someone else in the hospital. Just a thought.
I wanted to add. All our extended family just went through a week of flu! Poor kiddos. We were knowingly exposed at a holiday function. Started our elderberry and my kids 3 & 7 had it for 1.5 days each. 🙂 It works!
I was just about to make a batch of elderberry syrup & realized I’m out of clove:( Can I use clove oil instead, & if so, how much? My girls are fighting some serious colds or allergies & need some immune boosting asap!
I realize that you posted this well over a month ago, but I didn’t have any whole cloves either, nor did I have cinnamon sticks. I used ground for both and it turned out fine, just ended up with a syrup that isn’t as clear as in the picture.
Awesome good to know 🙂
Hi! I just have to say, I recently subscribed to you on facebook and I really love your site. We seem to have a lot of the same passions when it comes to traditional whole foods and I have been learning a lot from you!
I have a question about your elderberry syrup recipe. My mom has a bunch of elderberry bushes near her house. I told her they were medicinal, so she picked some elderberries last year, then boiled them in a little bit of water until they were soft, strained out all the juice, and then froze it. She still has it in her freezer, and doesn’t know what to do with it. Can you recommend a way for us to adjust your syrup recipe so she can use this elderberry juice to make it? It’s extremely strong; she only used enough water to cook the berries. I’m hoping if I can show her a way to make syrup out of it, she will kindly share some with me, as I am not lucky enough to have any elderberry bushes in my yard! 😉 Of course, now that we have your recipe, we can just use the fresh berries when she picks them again this year, but we’d like to keep last year’s juice from being wasted if possible. Thanks!
Hi Becca, that’s great! I’ve never made it this way, but I would probably concentrate the juice by reducing it on the stove with the other ingredients then add honey at the end. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks! We’ll try it and see. 🙂
What kind of bottles did you used to buy?
Thanks!! : )
So I’ve just found a location near our home with wild elderberries growing. Can the berries be frozen and then thawed so I can make small batches weekly throughout the winter? Or is it better to make a large batch and freeze the syrup (minus the honey – I love the suggestion of adding it later as you thaw each batch). Also, if you can the syrup instead for freeze it, do you need a pressure cooker or will a 15 minute boiling bath do the trick? I’m new to canning and have only canned food that requires a boiling bath since I don’t have a pressure cooker. Thank you for the tips!
Hi! Do you think this is OK to take as a preventative during pregnancy?
Hi Dyala, thanks for the question. Yes, this is fine to take during pregnancy.
I would like to make this recipe vegan. What sweetener should I use in place of the raw honey? Would date paste or stevia work?
Hi Gwyneth, thanks for the question. I’m not really sure but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Let us know how it goes if you try it out. We’d love to hear your experience.
What a wonderful recipe. I have elderberries in my garden. Can you advise how I would dry them so as to use them at a later date? Thank you very much.
Hi Sylvia, thank you for the question. Using a dehydrator is really the easiest but if you don’t have one you could dry them in your oven on a baking sheet at a low temp. Hope this helps!
I realize this answer is a year later, but I discovered that you can put foods to be dehydrated on a flat surface IN YOUR closed CAR. Mine gets plenty warm even late in he season.
Can you reuse the elderberries for another batch or two, maybe for a less potent syrup for pancakes or yogurt?
Hi Emma, thanks for the question. Yes, this would probably work too.
Could you use this as the “juice” in gelatin based homemade fruit snacks/jello?
Hi Allison, what a great idea! Let us know how it turns out if you try it out!
I just tried this last week! So yummy. I probably overdosed our whole family 🙂
I am bout to make thos syrup… How often and what quantity should this be administered to the child? Is it a daily thing even when they are not sick?
Hi! Does anyone know how much one batch produces and how long it keeps?
it reduces by half, so about 2 cups or so. I keep it in the fridge and it lasts a few weeks, giving 2 kids a tsp everyday (more when they’re under the weather).
Awesome, thanks Michele!
Thanks so much for this post! We have LOTS of elderberry bushes on our property. We make jelly with them but had never thought of making anything else.
hi i can only find elderberry juice in my area… any idea how to adapt the recipe?
Hi Chris, provided it is 100% organic elderberry juice, you could probably use 4 cups but the reason why I like to use the dried elderberries is because you know how you are processing them and getting all the goodness along with them. Otherwise, you may not get the full health benefits.
Hi Emily,
I don’t think anyone has asked this, I’ve read vitamin C is heat sensitive, and I know elderberries are high in vitamin C, if you boil the elderberries, aren’t you “killing” all the vitamin C. Also are all the other nutrients intact after boiling it?
Hi AthenaK, thanks for asking and you know, you’re right. But regardless of whether the vitamin C is intact or not, this stuff works. 🙂
To the lady who’s mother had the berries and boiled them down. Please make sure all the stems were removed, they contain poison.
I’ve been making my own tonic from berries on my property and use it whenever I feel anything coming on. It’s a true booster, and holds up to all the hype.
My children 4, 9, and 10 also take it.
This brings up a recent question I have about raw honey. I have been buying local “raw” honey that is supposedly not heated but is in liquid/syrup form (I’m wondering why its not solid like some other certified organic raw unfiltered honeys I’ve been buying), but my main question is:
What about medications the beekeeper could be using on the bees, I saw many types of medications on a bee keeping website and now I know why another local farmer specified “treated only with essential oils”. Now I’m worried that my new jar could contain bee medicine/chemicals and should I visit the bee keeper to find out and is it dangerous?
I made this and it tastes as I would expect it to. Enjoyed my first few teaspoons but then found myself sick with a cold the next day! Even more odd, my brother tried a spoonful and found himself sick with a cold the next day as well. Could this have anything to do with the elderberry syrup? It just seems odd that we were both feeling healthy and then found ourselves sick and the only difference was the syrup.
Hi Michelle, thank you for your question. I’ve never heard of that before – maybe you were already infected while making the syrup?
LOVE elderberry syrup, but, I want to try my hand at making my own from now on. Can you tell me how much actual syrup this recipe yields? I know their are 4 cups of water and 1 cup of honey, so…total that should be 5 cups, but, I’m sure the boiling process takes this down quite a bit. How much syrup will I have in the end? Thanks a bunch!
Hi, I have seen that it is not recommended to eat this syrup if you have rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune conditions, is that true? Looking for a good vitamin C supplement but also not sure if this is allowed to be taken daily.
Hi VJ, thanks for the comment. I have not heard of that, so I can’t say if it’s true or not.
I have read this on WebMD, that the interactions elderberry has is to people with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS or those who take medications that supress the immune response (ie: steroids). Due to it making the immune system more active it can flare up the disease symptoms
Hi can you please post the link to the site where you used to buy the elderberry syrup from? Thank you! The link above isn’t working.
Hi Valerie – thanks for catching that! Here’s the brand I like: http://amzn.to/1epgqKX
Hii guys i was wondering if my gf can take elderberry syrup if shes pregnant and gets the flu, im just concerned about this deadly influenza going around especialy with pregnant women, and i was curious if she could take elderberry if she got sick thanks for the blog 🙂
Yes, it’s totally fine during pregnancy, confirmed by Holistic Squid in previous comments. She would be best off taking it daily to prevent getting sick, and take it several times a day if she feels something coming on. If she doesn’t already, taking fermented cod liver oil would help tremendously too (see Holistic Squids post on the topic for more info). I hope your GF didn’t get the flu shot! It may seem tempting, but personally I’m staying FAR away! Too much risk (esp for pregnant women!) , and it’s proving to be especially ineffective this year, IMO.
Thank you ima go buy some for her today 🙂
So what do you do with the elderberries once the syrup is made? Could you use them like blueberries in muffins?
Is it safe to take while pregnant?
My sons are 10 month and 3.5 years. Is Elderberry safe for a child under 1? I know I’ve been told not to give him raw honey but even if I omit it I wasn’t sure if he could even have it. I came across the article when reading about ear infections which is a reoccurring problem with my youngest son. I regularly take elderberry and I have a kid version for my 3.5 year old. I was also wondering if this recipe is too strong for a kid his age? Thank you..
Hi Kristy – Thanks for your question. I can’t give you medical advice, but I can tell you that I would and did give this to my kids when they were old enough for solids. I personally don’t buy the fear of raw honey.
Thank you for posting this recipe! I am wondering how often this can be administered? Is it ok to give to this children for months at a time for prevention? Also: how long does a batch of syrup last in the refrigerator? Thanks!
If you are using it for prevention :: 12 years of age and older, 1 tablespoon daily. 5-12 years of age, 1/2 tablespoon daily, 2-4 years of age, 1 1/2 teaspoons daily.
When treating a cold/cough :: 12 years of age and older, 1 teaspoon every 2-3 hours. 5-12 years of age, 1/2 teaspoon every 2-3 hours. 2-4 years of age – 1/4 teaspoon every 2-3 hours.
Children Under 2 :: ALWAYS mix with hot water. 18-24 months, 8 drops every 2-3 hours. 9-12 months, 5 drops every 2-3 hours. 6-9 months, 4 drops every 2-3 hours. 3-6 months, 3 drops every 2-3 hours. Younger than 3 months, 2 drops every 2-3 hours.
The above dosage is for Elderberry Cough Syrup, made just using Elderberries, water & raw honey. As long as your child does not react to any of the other ingredients listed in the recipe above, you would be okay to follow this dosage as well.
Babies under age 12 months old should never be given honey. Honey can contain spores of a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. These spore are usually harmless to adults and children over 1 year old but can cause serious and sometimes fatal illness in infants due to their less developed immune system.
Hi Jenni – Each batch will last about 2 weeks. Hope that helps!
How long will a batch of this last in the refrigerator? I made some recently and am wondering if it is still good. Thanks!
The syrup will last for 3 months in the refrigerator.
Hi Grace – Thanks for your question. I would only keep mine in the fridge for two weeks, then transfer any leftovers to the freezer.
I plan to make some elderberry syrup; the bushes in my area (U.K.) are loaded so what amount
of fresh berries do I need for the recipe?
Also are people taking this as a preventative against colds or to help cure colds and flu.
Manythanks forany help you can give.
Hi Trish – Thanks for your comment! The elderberry syrup is best used for prevention. As for the amount of fresh berries, generally 1 cup fresh equals 1/2 cup dried, but this might vary a bit. Hope this helps!
I’m just wondering if this is safe to take during pregnancy? I am 15 weeks so I am past my first trimester :). My mother in law has a huge elderberry bush on her property so we want to make a bunch 🙂
Thanks so much!!
Hi Petra – Yes 🙂
How poisonous are the stems? I couldn’t get every little itsy bitsy stem out. It’s simmering now. Out of the cup about 4 tbs were from those I picked. The rest was store bought without stems. I don’t want to kill anyone. Thanks!
Hi Shannon – I came across this article which talks about the different types of elderberries and whether or not the stems may be toxic: http://homeguides.sfgate.com/elderberry-stems-poisonous-61948.html
Can elderberries be reused, once I’ve made the recipe? Can I boil them again? Or do I just throw them out?
Hi Bekah – Yes, but I would imagine it might be less potent than the first batch. 🙂
Made elderberry syrup with Demerara sugar and vodka early September foraged in woods lose to Cirencester. Great with blackberries myroballen plums and the elderberries in a compote, keep great in the fridge as a weekly or longer jam. But have made lots of Elderberry wine in the past, give it the time and some time later is as good as a Madeira.
How many oz/ml of syrup does this recipe yield?
I just made my elderberry liquid from berries gifted by a colleague. I forgot to add the seasonings in the cook down phase so will try “steeping” the ginger, cinnamon (and lemon, she recommends) in the crock pot for the day, and sweeten with honey.
I used fresh elderberries and my end result was 1 liter/1000 ml of liquid – how much honey should I use (ballpark)?
After straining everything what do you do with the leftover berries? Can you put them in pancakes/waffles/smoothies/etc? Can you use them at all or do you have to discard/compost them?
Hi Suz – Thanks for your comment. You can definitely use the leftover berries, and those all sound like great ideas. 🙂
My question is if I have all organic powdered ginger and clove powder (from mountain rose herbs) can I use that instead? And if so how much? Thank you!!
Could i use Young Living Essential oils in place of the clove, and ginger?
So when you give to your kiddos with FCLO, do you mix it together with the syrup? I can’t get my kids to eat the oil EVER because of the smell, but they always take the syrup with a smile. TIA
Hi Tami, this is how I do it. I don’t actually mix the two together but rather do half and half in the syringe. You could also just get both ready separately and give them consecutively.
Can I use cinnamon powder (Ceylon kind) instead of cinnamon sticks for this recipe? If so, how much? Also is this safe to give to my 1 year old?
Hi Angela, thanks for your question. I haven’t tried it with cinnamon powder – you’re welcome to try and we would love to hear back. Technically, honey isn’t safe to give to children under 2. Hope this helps.
I thought honey was safe over 1?
Also, do you peel the ginger root?
I don’t peel the ginger root.
Hi Jenica, cloves are a spice and you can get them where ever you do your grocery shopping. Hope that helps!
Would it work by making this up and preserving it by using a canning method i.e. pressure cooker? An example recipe such as one would for a plum or cherry sauce/syrup?
Hi Jean, I haven’t tried that way but don’t see why not. Let us know if you try it out.
So I just made this and it boiled down a lot, more than half. My fault. I assume that’s stil fine. Can I give a teaspoon to my 16 month old every day for prevention without mixing it with anything? I had been doing that with another recipe I made. Thanks!
That should be fine, Niki. If it is too strong tasting, you may want to water it down a little but you shouldn’t need to.
Hi! what would’ve the dose intake for when sick? and which one for boosting the immune system? ( just to prevent)
Hi Natalia, 1-2 teaspoons during cold and flu season and increasing as you start to feel run down.
Can you use frozen elderberries instead of dried? I picked loads from my bush this summer and then froze them until I could get to making the syrup. Would I just add less water?
Hi Stephanie, I haven’t tried with frozen but we’d love to hear about whether it works for you if you try. I would definitely add less water though. xoxo Emily
Can you use corn syrup for the sweetener and if so how much?
Hi David, you probably could, however the use of honey here is due to the antibacterial properties raw honey has. The remedy will not be near as effective without raw honey. xoxo Emily
So you are basically making a elderberry concentrate so can you just use a concentrate? We have an Elderberry farm, or business in our area that sells the concrete wondering if you could just mix that with the honey?
I almost am out of the syrup I made last year and started making a new batch. I noticed it’s only good for a few weeks? I’ve been using last year’s batch and as far as I can tell, it’s just fine. Wouldn’t the honey work as a preservative?
Hi Tai, I would say to trust your nose. And if you find it’s still effective then that’s great. Honey would probably preserve for a certain period of time but if you have any doubts about it, please do rather throw it out and make a fresh batch. xoxo Emily
Definitely saving this recipe! After just going through a summer cold, this would have been wonderful to have. Colds are bad enough, but missing out on great summer fun because of them is just no good! Love the multiple benefits of elderberry.
The Gaia Elderberry syrup says on the bottle , not to be used during pregnancy or lactation . Do you know why that would be ?
So I made this recipe about a week ago and didnt realize it needed to go in the fridge. Today I looked at it and it has started to ferment and get fizzy. Do you think it needs to be thrown out? So sad about this. Or do you think as long as I keep it in the fridge now I can take it?
Hi AnnMarie, that is disappointing. I would suggest making a fresh batch to be safe. xoxo Emily
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