Parents often ask me for a concise, simple list of natural remedies they should have on hand for their kids' minor ailments. Here's my basic home remedy recommendations list.
Use it to stock your holistic home remedy kit. If your child is prone to specific conditions such as asthma, digestive weakness, or other intermittent, chronic issues. And speak to your healthcare provider for an expanded list.
Your holistic home remedy kit
#1 – Cod liver oil – Like any good quality fish oil, cod liver oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammation in all the cells of your body. Cod liver oil (when it is not heat-treated) will also contain important vitamins A and D in the proper proportions. Read more about the benefits of cod liver oil here. Buy cod liver oil here.
#2 – Probiotics – It is essential to get a daily infusion of probiotics to keep the good bacteria thriving in our bodies. Ideally this will happen through probiotic rich foods, drinks, and condiments, but sometimes we also need therapeutic probiotics as well. Learn more about probiotics here. I use this probiotic for infants, this probiotic for kids, and this probiotic for adults.
#3 – Vitamin D3 – In a liquid tincture with 2000IU/drop. Read more about why the sunshine vitamin is so essential. This is the vitamin D we keep on hand.
#4 – Vitamin C Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant. In the day-to-day, aim to get antioxidants through food, but keep the supplement on hand to ward off infections and colds.
#5 – Elderberry Syrup – A great immune supporter, elderberry is rich in anti-oxidant flavinoids and anti-inflammatory anthocyanin, and – when you catch it in time – can be quite effective as a home remedy for warding off the flu. Learn how to make elderberry syrup or buy it here.
#6 – Echinacea – Kid's orange-flavored drops taste great and help keep the colds and flus at bay if given at the very early stages or when your child has been in contact with other sick kids (or adults) or is feeling run-down.
#7 – Assorted homeopathic remedies for colds, flus, fevers, and bug bites, teething.
While traditional homeopaths claim the combo remedies available are not the way to go, for home treatment of acute symptoms that often come in the middle of the night, I suggest having a cold, flu, and (for babies) colic remedy on hand. These remedies work and are readily available and obviously labeled by their function such a Cold Calm, Complete Flu Care, or Colic Calm.
For single remedies, you can buy a kit (I have this one) or individuals. A few good single remedies include:
- Arnica – Homeopathic remedy for trauma, bruises, aches, and strains. Keep both oral and topical applications on hand. After a tumble or boo-boo occurs, administer the oral arnica every few hours until symptoms start to improve. Topical ointments can be applied to bruises or bumps, just not over open wounds.
- Belladonna – A good place to start for most fevers.
- Chamomilla – For crying, upset, and inability to sleep.
- Nux vomica – for nausea, vomiting, constipation
- Apis mellifica – insect bites, stings
#8 – Chinese herbs for sore throat, ear aches, diarrhea, constipation, and calming. You typically have to get herbs from a practitioner, so ask yours for a good collection to have on hand.
#9 – Essential oils for stress (experiment with what your child likes. Some suggestions: lavender (not for boys as it may be estrogenic), chamomile, ylang-ylang), teething (high quality clove oil can be applied directly to inflamed gums for a natural analgesic).
#10 – Aloe plant– grows easily (read: hard to kill) in any window. For most sunburns or other non-emergent burns, aloe will help soothe and cool scorched skin. Cut a spear at its base, slice it length-wise with a sharp knife and smooth directly onto skin.
#11 – A BIG medicine dropper to administer herbs or supplements that don't already come with one.
#12 – Colloidal Silver – Until recently, I was skeptical of colloidal silver, but it turns out that it can be quite useful to halt infections. Read more about colloidal silver safety. We use this one orally, and this one topically.
And lastly – though not natural by any stretch of the imagination…
#13 – Children's ibuprofen/Advil (not acetaminophen/Tylenol) as a last resort for extreme pain accompanying fevers or teething that is keeping your child from getting the rest he needs to get better. This one is dye and paraben free. See my article on Fever Fears for more info as to why these medicines should be avoided or used sparingly only.
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Good news about lavender oil!
Read this about the Lavender (estrogenic) claim: http://bubbleandbee.blogspot.com/2009/09/lavender-tea-tree-estrogenic.html
Anything for bad back and arthritis?
Hi Awn – thanks for the question. You could try Epsom salt baths for this.
I used Serrapeptase 40,000 iu for years and completely healed all joint pain. You can buy it on Amazon. I have suggested it for many others who have arthritis who also have had great relief. Depending on your severity, take up to 3x a day. Stay with the 40,000 iu capsules instead of the higher dosage capsules, as it does not seem to be as effective.
Willow tea or extract and Cinnamon. Both are anti-inflammatory and support joint health/function.
Use cinnamon sticks if possible and cover the cup you place the cinnamon and boiling water in to keep any volatile oils in the drink. Because it is technically a bark you should let both the cinnamon (and willow) steep for at least an hour to get all the goodies out of them.
I usually make myself a cup with honey before showering and making breakfast then drink it as a desert.
For immediate relief, DMSO. You will feel relief the moment you put it on. Investiagte DMSO. They never went throught the FDA process knowing they would get shut down by our corruption and corrupt doctors. Been an animal rub for many many years. INSTANT RELIEF!
Any suggestions for the unending night cough? Or cough in general? Allergies?
Best thing is a humidifier. Coughs are well relieved with warm moist air.
Look up Oil of Cajeput through Pure Herbs. It is incredible! Soar throats, congestion, fever blisters, gingivitis,….we use it instead of neosporin too. It’s like tea tree on steroids!!!
Oops sore not soar
Loving spell check on my cell.
Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar works for me.
These are great suggestions! One thing I would mention regarding nux-vomica is that I hope your readers are aware of the fact that if there is ANY chance at all that the person you are dosing has food poisoning they should definitely not stop the vomiting/diarrhea. This is something that evolutionary biologists have known for some time (this is an evolutionary response, those without this response have likely died out) and modern medicine is finally starting to realize. However, if you are eating real and fresh food, the likelihood of getting food poisoning these days is minimal anyway. I just thought I should point this out 🙂
Also olive oil.
How do you grow aloe? I’ve gotten a baby plant off of a friend, and another from my mil a few years later and couldn’t keep either alive. I only watered when the soil seemed to be dry. My mil can get me another, but how do I keep it alive?
I’m about to get my first Aloe plant in a few days. Leaving it in the bathroom is highly recommended. I was told the aloe wouldn’t need watering that the steam was more than enough. They also have to be kept in a moderately warm environment, if they get too cold they’ll die.
All of the above is information given to me orally by aloe plant owners. I haven’t looked anything up for myself.
With Aloe… When in doubt.. Don’t water. Less you water the thicker the leaves will be. Only water when the tops start getting skinny. If they are plump, let it be. They do like to be warm and are happy with min sunlight. 🙂
I love this post! Thank you for all of your great suggestions! I was wondering where you get the great bottles.
I just thought i should mention that when using Belladonna one should be extremely cautious, especially if it’s being used on a little one. The berries straight from the plant have the potential to kill if taken in a high enough dosage (and it doesn’t take many berries to get there). There was a news story in my home state (probably more than a decade ago) about a little girl who had found a wild Belladonna plant and had eaten a small handfull of the sweet tasting berries and ended up passing away due to her heart stopping. I don’t have any knowledge about the tablets that you linked above, but anyone looking in to the herb should definitely do their due diligence to ensure they’re using it safely. On another note, I love your blog and this post especially! ^.^
Hi Jessica~
I’m a naturopathic doctor, and I use homeopathy a lot. Homeopathy is a wonderful medicine that can support healing at a deep level. It is truly natural medicine: it portends that there is always 1 substance in nature that can cure our disease/imbalance and does so based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. The actual remedies are made by diluting the actual substance so much that it is not identifiable anymore ~ beyond avogadro’s number. What is left is an “imprint” of the substance, and thus, we can use typically poisonous plants in homeopathy. The art and science of homeopathy is more than can be explained in a short paragraph. I suggest you read Impossible Cure for a nice intro to homeopathy.
I know I was able to lower my triglycerides but cutting out “bad” carbs. Foods such as: bread, pasta, refined sugar, and processed food. No drug or supplement was needed.
Sugar will cause your triglycerides to rise. Dawn is right cut out bread and extra sugars.
Start increasing your raw fruits and veggies. More cruciferous veggies for sure. Look up hallelujah acres. They have some great ideas on juicing. By cutting back on sugars and pastas, and breads, and juicing every morning, you’ll see huge benefits. By getting to the root of t, you don’t have to put band aids on the issues, by using prescriptions. Little by little, cutting back on animal fats is ideal as well. It’s worth researching at least. Good luck!!!
I had good success by cutting out sugars, flour products, wheat products and taking Red Yeast Rice with CoQ10. Dropped my numbers by 40 points into the acceptable zone.
Although not technically for sickness, I keep the homeopathic rescue remedy around. It’s been really helpful both when he’s sick and upset (because he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel well). As well as for everyday life when he gets overwhelmed or unable to calm himself.
Bach’s Rescue Remedy is amazing. My daughter has suffered from panic attacks since she was 2 and is easily over stimulated. She is now 23 and still keeps a bottle in her purse.
A word about aloe. It is a wonderful plant BUT you have to know how to use it. When you first cut aloe you will see a bright yellow substance dripping. That is alanin. It is a KNOWN skin irritant and it comes from the outer skin of the plant. It is NOT hard to eliminate this and get down to the healing gel. Cut a large leaf at the base and bring it in on a paper towel. Using a knife, trim off the two outside thorny edges. When those are gone, slide you knife under the tough outer skin and remove all of it. This will be very easy going as the plant is not tough. You will be left with a translucent gel-like material that is now ready for your skin. Some people put this beautiful gel into their smoothies occasionally. I do.
Also, I highly recommend keeping oregano and many other essential oils on hand. Oregano is a first line of defense as an antibiotic. As I am allergic to most antibiotics, I must depend on it heavily and I am VERY happy with the results so far. I put two drops into a gel capsule (available at most essential oil sellers or your local pharmacy) along with coconut oil. I also diffuse it and breathe in the mist for sinus issues and I add melaleuca (tea tree oil) and On Guard (doTerra). I use three drops of each in a 6oz cool air diffuser and then inhale the mist for sinus issues. Oregano is a HOT oil meaning if you apply it directly to the skin it can burn. It should always be used in a diluted form with a base like coconut oil. Also, know your essential oils. Many….maybe most….are not pure. They only have to contain 10% of the item they claim to be consider pure. I only use doTerra or Young Living. Trust them both.
Oil of Oregano is my go-to for anything that requires an antibiotic. I have avoided sinus infections for years. The minute I start to feel one come on, I take a few drops morning and night and it never builds up to an infection.
I also had a friend with a burn on her calf that was getting infected. She had a doc appt for the afternoon and I convinced her to try the aloe in the meantime, and by the afternoon appt, the infection had drained and drained and was healing beautifully.
And my brother is extremely ill with liver issues. Doctors said he probably would not live more than a couple years. I had him on Milk Thistle and probiotics, and it’s been 8 years so far that he’s still around.
finally, with moderately high blood pressure I didn’t want to take the meds the doc prescribed, so I changed my diet to eliminate white foods and sugar, and took olive leaf extract, dandelion root and beet root, and for the past 6 months my monthly appts with her showed normal blood pressure and she is happy because she thinks I’m taking my meds, and I’m happy because I’m not.
I am wondering about something natural for ADHD for my granddaughter any thoughts or ideas?
Hi Robin, thanks for your question. Have you tried the GAPS diet to rule out possible food sensitivities?
Clove oil is a very strong oil and from everything I have read, can burn and irritate the gums, particularly the sensitive gums of children and should always be diluted. I know a lot of people believe you can use EO’s neat as long as the oil is “pure” but it is the concentration of a potent plant which makes the EO potentially irritating in these cases, rather than impurities in the EO.
If the writer of the article has experience using neat clove EO on children’s gums with no ill effects, I would certainly be open to hearing about it.
Hi Jenny, thank you for your comment. You can mix it with a carrier oil if you prefer, but I’ve tried it straight and it is more effective in my experience.
Can anyone suggest what is good for male testosterone? I also would like to know what is good for the liver .Thanks so much!
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Cut & paste into a word doc.
My 6-month old baby was diagnosed with eczema. Her pediatrician prescribed a steroid cream, which I am hesitant to use. Are there any holistic products I could try?
Did you get help for this? I have been trying essential oils for this issue with some friends.
Hi Victoria – I have a ton of experience treating eczema for kids of all ages. Check out my ebook that can help you to learn to heal eczema from the inside out: The Eczema Cure.
Hi Emily, My son had eczema pretty bad when he was a baby, arms, legs, belly, and back. I used many of the traditional lotions and such but did not see improvement. I then found a lotion at a local farmers market. It worked like magic! It contains emu oil, shea butter, lavender, and chamomile. My son’s eczema disappeared! He is now 4 and recently broke out in another small patch of eczema, this time on his face. I ordered the lotion again and it again went away! I have shared this lotion with friends and it has worked wonders for them as well! I urge anyone with eczema to try this lotion! it is called Emu & Shea Whip. Here is the website you can order from http://www.autumnseve.com Good luck! and God bless! <3
Hey – do you recommend taking the Elderberry syrup daily? Also we have been doing the Vitamin D drops all winter, should we continue when we start getting some sun at the lake, etc?
Hi Jasmine – Thanks for your comment. You can read about the proper dosage of elderberry syrup here, and the best ways to get Vitamin D here.
Where can I get these bottles? I really like them!
You can get bottles like the ones in the pic but without labels (brand new) from http://www.tillistgoods.com. I LOVE them !
And mustard for burns. I have used it on myself and it takes the pain away almost instantly and prevents a blister.
I am glad to see that I already have most of these items in my house. My question is why Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin D? Since Cod Liver Oil has vitamin D why would you add another supplement of it? Thanks!
Hi Tiffany, have you read this post? If not, you may find it helpful as to the reasons for supplementing.
anything that really works for sleepless leg syndrome?
Love your work and website info. Be well
This is super helpful! The only thing I would caution against is the sliver. Once it is in your system it doesn’t get out. too much of it can have irreversible damage. Just a word of warning. Everything else looks awesome!
It happens I like you and the way you lay you web site, well I am a Peruvian looking for some medicine for my wife Gladys she is a 56 years old with a bad bloating after eating for at least a year and getting worst, without insurance so I Found this DUT digestive urinary tonic that it seams to be promising but my wife do not know the correct way to take since she has loss weight after been a skinny lady the seller said to take 2 onces every two hours but don’t explain the food intake, if have any ideas I may no be able to afford you, but I may be interested in a home remedy kit after knowing about this NWO I decide to get prepare for the worth your friend Miguel
Looks good minus the over the counter pain killer. I keep a little white willow bark for minor pain but would love to find something a little stronger. Thanks for sharing!
Hi, may I ask where you got those lovely jars from?