Since I was a little girl, my nutrition education has been an ongoing contradiction.
First, the “four food groups” were introduced as an absolute: eat meat, dairy, bread, fruit/veggies every day. Period. Seemed straightforward enough to my early adolescent mind, but mostly I was interested in eating double-stuffed oreos and Micky D's fries.
Then in the early 90's, the tried-and-true food groups were replaced with a confusing Food Pyramid, heavily weighted with all things grain. While I was happy to oblige with massive servings of bread and pasta, these guidelines always felt a bit off.
By the time I reached my early 20's, I had decided to take matters into my own hands, choosing a mostly vegetarian diet because my best friend said it was the healthiest. After years of eating processed junk, this was certainly an improvement – except for the tofu dogs, soy milk, and texturized vegetable protein that mostly left me feeling bloated (and self-righteous).
Later, I smartened up and ‘organic' became my mantra. As long as it was organic, it was ok with me.
When I was married and pregnant with my first child, a friend suggested that I read Nourishing Traditions, a cookbook and real food classic that halted my confused meanderings and short-lived revelations around food.
Finally, I had ‘discovered' real, traditional food. If you're a real foodie too, you know that there's really no going back. (If you're new to the concept of a traditional foods lifestyle, read this).
How to teach kids to eat right and love real food
As a mom, I'm always thrilled when my kids make smart choices on their own, but I also know that the modern world is an ever-confusing place when it comes to eating healthy.
While learning by example is great, I also want my kids to have a solid understanding of why we eat the way we do so they can go out in the world and make confident choices.
That's why I was super excited to learn about a real food teaching kit, the brainchild of my friend Kristen Michaelis of FoodRenegade.com who's a mom of three, a nutrition educator, best-selling author, and generally a smart and entertaining gal.
Kristen has put together a unique Real Food for Kids bundle that will help you to teach your kids to eat right and love real food.
The special package includes:
Real Food Nutrition For Kids Ebook ($20 value) –
For starters, teach your elementary aged child about real food with this collection of 15 lessons in a downloadable PDF. Each lesson includes a short reading, beautiful illustrations, a fun activity or game, copywork pages to practice both print and manuscript handwriting, and a coloring page.
This is the perfect tool for teaching my seven year old, but could work for slightly younger or older kids too.
Real Food Nutrition & Health E-Course ($100 value)
– An online course of 10 in-depth, multimedia lessons perfect for kids age 12 and up.
Real Food Nutrition & Health Ebook ($20 value) –
This digital e-book (PDF formatted) is both the textbook for the above class AND a great read in its own right.
With this real food teaching kit, your child will quickly discover:
- Why it's cool to eat whole, unprocessed, organic, & local foods
- How traditional diets can promote optimal health & long life
- How real food can help save the planet
Kristen is offering this awesome package for only $37 – over $100 savings and a bargain when you consider all the confusion you will be sparing your children around food.
Whether your kids will be heading back to school in a few weeks or settling in for home-school lessons, I whole-heartedly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity. Give them this simple yet essential foundation of real food, nutrition, and health.
Click here to get the Real Food for Kids Bundle now
Hi Emily,
I am by no means perfect but I am farther along the road than my husband. He is so supportive and encouraging but will still go to the bulk junk food bins at the local grocery store. My 11 and 12 year olds are filled with glee and look in eager anticipation at the “treats” that have been brought home. My almost 3 year old begs to “have that” but cannot due to a severe dairy allergy. A change in diet, more processed food when traveling vs. homemade at home, and her skin begins to break out in eczema. Yes, I do have the Eczema Cure and have found it to tremendously helpful!! Day to day she is doing great it is just at times of being away from home that she has trouble. How do other families deal with differences in their levels of conviction for following food choices?
This looks great, however the post is outdated.
Is this package still available?
Thank you!