If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you'll know that I'm a big fan of cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil.
I first learned about this stuff after the birth of my second child.
Pregnancy and nursing seemed to have been the straws that broke the camel's back in terms of nutritional strain on my body. After each child, my dentist discovered a cavity (both in the same tooth). Before that, I spent 30 years cavity-free, and as such, didn't think much about my teeth other than going to my McDentist to get my semiannual McCleanings. (These are my made-up terms for the conventional dental treatment I receive via my dental plan.)
The second time I was informed of my decaying tooth, I was also informed that I probably would need a root canal. Whoa, horsey! I wasn't really down with that idea, and had vague memories about Weston Price, root canals, and ‘not good'. I told the office I would call to make my root canal appointment and promptly left to go home and do some research.
That's when I discovered the book Cure Tooth Decay, and learned about healing and preventing cavities with nutrition.
What do cod liver oil and butter oil have to do with teeth?
So glad you ask. Quite a bit, as it turns out.
Not completely ready to trust the healing my cavity to nutrition, I ended up having it filled by a great alternative dentist that used a less invasive technique.
The good news is that this choice saved me from needing a root canal. Now, when I take CLO and HVBO (as they are often abbreviated) my cavity-victimized tooth feels strong and pain-free. Without it, after a week or so, I start to become just slightly sensitive to temperature, and when I bite down on hard things, it feels unstable.
I could tell you all about benefits of cod liver oil for infertility, pregnancy, flu prevention, and so much more. I also can tell you tricks for taking it, and how much you need, plus everything you ever wanted to know about high vitamin butter oil.
What I really want to tell you, though, is that this stuff is the bomb.
Yes, it tastes nasty – despite the occasional tastebud mutated friend who claims she doesn't mind it! But I need it, you need it, and your kids need it.
And for the squeamish, get the capsules here.
Click here to learn more about the benefits of cod liver oil.
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