Hand, foot, and mouth Disease (HFMD/Coxsackie virus) is a highly contagious viral illness common in babies and children especially under the age of 10. HFMD often runs rampant in daycares and schools freaking out parents, caregivers, and teachers with an unsightly rash and blisters.
Though not fun, pleasant, or pretty, HFMD is no more serious than a bad cold or flu, usually running its course in about a week to 10 days in otherwise healthy children.
While western treatment is palliative, holistic medicine offers remedies to not only soothe symptoms but also to reduce the likelihood of infection and speed the course of healing in those who contract HFMD.
What are the symptoms of hand foot and mouth disease?
Sudden onset with fatigue, fever, sore throat, and small red spots in the mouth (tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks) that turn into blisters lasting 4 – 6 days. A non-itchy skin rash develops with flat or raised red spots that may also blister. The rash is usually located on the palms, fingers, and soles of the feet; it may also appear on the buttocks and/or genitalia.
Often confused with…
Chicken pox or strep throat. Also HFMD is not the same as foot-and-mouth or hoof-and-mouth disease, a completely unrelated illness of cows, sheep, and pigs.
How's it spread?
Coughing and sneezing. Direct contact with nose and throat secretions and feces of infected persons.
How long til symptoms appear?
3 – 5 days from date of contact.
How long are you contagious?
While sick and sometimes longer. Most contagious during first week of illness.
How to prevent it?
Avoid close contact with infected persons and their infected belongings such as soiled tissues. Wash hands thoroughly, especially after using the bathroom. Follow standard wellness routine for cold/flu including vitamin D, C, and anti-viral herbs such as echinacea and astragalus or your favorite Chinese herbal formula. Speak to your practitioner to insure you're using effective measures for your family.
How to treat it?
Hydration is key with any fever (small sips of water, ice chips, or natural popsicles), and otherwise you want to keep the infected child as comfortable as possible so he/she can rest. Don't worry if your child is not hungry while sick. Offer simple cooked foods such as broth, toast, or rice during the recovery phase. Avoid acidic foods that may irritate any mouth sores.
Western approach:
Only symptomatic treatments are available: You may reduce fever and discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers but never aspirin and avoid acetaminophen. Instead, opt for ibuprofen. Mouthwashes or sprays that numb pain can be used to lessen mouth pain.
Holistic approach:
- Calendula oil and myrrh tincture will speed the healing of mouth sores. Use as a mouthwash or swab onto sores using a cotton swab.
- Homeopathic Mercurius is the standard remedy for HFMD. Choose others if needed for specific symptoms.
- Chinese herbs can help soothe the symptoms while speeding the rate of recovery. Ask your practitioner for a custom formula to address the specific symptoms your child is experiencing including sore throat, fever, fatigue, rash, and sores.
What's eased your kid's hand foot and mouth disease symptoms? Please share in the comments below.
Can you specify which “Mercurius” is the standard remedy? I have Merc Vivus at home, would that work? Thanks.
Hi Kristina – You want Mercurius Solubilus for Hand Foot Mouth.
Applying aloe juice or gel to an area where you feel coming on, or to oral herpes that have
already formed, can inhibit the size associated with the cold sores, as well
as help aided by the healing process.
Greetings! Thanks for the information! I wanted to mention that in homeopathy courses I hae taken, it was recommended that a practitioner be consulted whenever using mercurius, because it is so strong. Just something for folks to consider.
This all seems very general. Which Chinese herbs? Can you please specify?
Hi Erin, since I am not your healthcare practitioner, I am unable to give you healthcare information. Most Chinese herbs have to be prescribed by a Chinese Medicine practitioner, anyway. I would suggest you find one near you in order to get the correct herbs for this.
I’m learning about bentonite clay. I put one teaspoon in 8oz. of water and I can’t believe how my sinuses cleared in minutes. I read a testimonial about it regarding hand foot and mouth and thought some of you might be interested.
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
My son, Lani, was just home from Bates College, for a few days, to heal from Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I gave him the clay to consume internally, morning and at bedtime, to apply to the itchy rashes (all over his body), and to soak in a warm tub. He had a miraculous turnaround in just 3 days. He was cleared by the school nurse this afternoon, so is back practicing with the football team. His rashes and the itching responded to the clay immediately. He has also used the clay to clear up his acne with great success. We have a sample of your clay face and body scrub, which we like, so have ordered some for myself, my 21-year-old daughter, Jamie, and for my son, Lani. Thank you for such great and useful products! – D
Hi Gia,
Can I just ask, when you used the clay on his skin did you leave it on or did you wash it off after a certain amount of time? I’ve just bought a tub of bentonite clay powder after reading your comments, so hoping it can also help to clear up my daughters sores around her mouth from hand foot and mouth!
Many thanks in advance,
As per a recommendation from a healer, I was told about oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil. I put several drops to 1 tablespoon which I used to rub on my 2 year olds feet, hands, and buttox. For his first application, he was finally able to sleep through the night and seemed to have stopped the itching. This was night 3 of his symptoms. I really felt like it worked.
I also did baking soda and Epsom salt/lavender baths. And a coconut oil salve I read up online from a blog, which included lavender, tea tee oil, chamomile and lemon. This was the first couple nights which I think helped speed up the recocerg and seemed like it soothed his skin.
The healer also mentioned the clay as per discussion above.
Thank you for the info, it’s greatly appreciated. Our 18 mo. old picked this up we believe from a play area at a local mall. We can’t afford a healer, only a regular pediatrician who told us there was nothing we could do and it had to run it’s course. I should’ve thought to apply coconut oil – it killed ringworm on our now 10 yr old when she was about 18 mo. old. Thanks again!
Hello what is this clay that you guys are talking about my 2 year old has thosm now and trying to help her out and I have a 4 month old we are trying to stop from getting it. Thanks