Fresh or Frozen Raw Milk – Natural Beauty Products – Supplements for Kids – Alternative for Milk Based Formula – Feeding a Picky, Teething Toddler – Is my Baby's Vein a Sugar Bug? – Reducing Bone Broth – Seasonal Allergies Natural Remedy
My inbox and Facebook wall runneth over with questions from readers about Real food and holistic health, so I have created this Q&A to get your questions answered and for other folks to benefit from the answers as well.
If you have a question, you can first Google “holistic squid” and your topic, for example: “holistic squid protein powder.” This is the best way to see if the answers are already on my site.
If you still have questions email me: emily at holisticsquid dot com. I will only include your first name in this post (or if you prefer, initials or anonymous), and I will try to respond as soon as possible.
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Question 1: Frozen vs fresh raw milk for lactose intolerance?
I started my real food journey about a year ago. We drink raw goats milk, however it comes frozen and we thaw it. About three months ago I started not being to eat dairy AT ALL. I get very sick. Doc says lactose intolerance. Now even a little cream in my morning tea or coffee makes me have terrible bloating and cramping. I'm so angry about this as I know how crucial dairy is. Would raw fresh milk be better rather than raw froze/thawed milk? Would that make a difference? Please suggest something. I'm distraught over this. Thank you. Amy Jo [via Facebook]
Hi Amy Jo – I understand your frustration, having had bouts of lactose intolerance at different periods of my life as well. Despite the health benefits of dairy, it is not good for you if your body rejects it.
If I were in your shoes now, I would first take a break from dairy (other than ghee) and drink lots of bone broth to help heal your gut and get some good nutrition at the same time. Then after at least several weeks, I would try introducing raw, unfrozen, cultured dairy like yogurt or kefir in very small amounts (a spoon or two per day). If you are ok with that, add a bit more at a time into your diet. Then gradually introduce raw, unfrozen dairy in the same way before moving onto the frozen stuff. If fresh raw milk/cream is not available to you, follow the same protocol, but go slower and take smaller amounts at a time.
Question 2: Advice on natural beauty products?
I am new to your sight and was wanting to know if you could share with us females about makeup, I am looking into buying all new makeup for myself – but it is so confusing!! just want something thats the most natural and safe to wear. Thank you so much!!!!
Hi Michelle. It is certainly frustrating trying to find natural, safe cosmetics. To be honest, I haven't found a completely perfect brand. When it comes body products like lotion and deodorant, I make my own. With makeup, I tend to look for a fair compromise between natural and effective that makes sense for me. I prioritize eyeliner that doesn't run all over my face, but with lip products I demand that are safe enough to eat. There are several ‘natural' cosmetic lines out there, so experiment and research to find a balance that makes you comfortable. The Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database will guide you through the risk factors of ingredients. If you want perfection, you many need to make your own! Maybe some other readers have favorite natural cosmetics they can recommend?
Question 3: Supplements for kids?
I got my 10 month old son since 6 weeks old on Nordic Naturals fish oils DHA along with probiotics, multivitamin, all organic homemade food, etc. However I just ordered the Carlson fish oil for kids, but it says from age 2? Also do I give both fish oils and Cod liver oil? I get various info. And what elderberry cough syrup to your recommend for his age. Thank you.
Hi Kinga. My basic supplement recommendations for babies your son's age are a probiotic and fermented cod liver oil. If he is taking FCLO, he does not need additional fish oil, and if he eat a good, nutrient dense diet (with plenty of animal fats) he does not need a multi-vitamin. I prefer to make my own elderberry syrup, but if you want purchase one, check the labels and avoid products with addition flavors, preservatives, or junky sweeteners.
(Also, I must point out that while I am a health practitioner, I am not your health practitioner. Any health advice that I give is my opinion based on my general professional experience but not your specific case. As such, you should always seek the advice of your own health professionals before acting on something that I have published or recommended.)
Question 4: Alternative to milk based baby formula?
I am looking to use the liver formula for my newly adopted daughter, I noticed she had cow formula reactions whilst in Ethiopia so I put her on goats formula which caused diarrhea too. I have had to put her on a lactose free commercial formula for the time being.
Can you please let me know if there is another formula I can use for when I am out and about? Or is there a suggestion for warming bottles on the go?
Hi Dallas. What you should feed your baby will depend on her age and health status, and if your daughter exhibits any problems or delays in growth or development I urge you to seek the support of a qualified health practitioner near you.
The bone broth formula (a.k.a. liver based formula) can work great for babies with extreme sensitivity to milk proteins. You can read my recommendations from best to worst options for feeding babies in this post: Is Breast Always Best?
If she does well with the bone broth formula, I would do my best to stick with it until she well-established on solids. To warm bottles on the go, I would simply carry a thermos of hot water if hot running water is not available. Place your bottle of formula in a separate container, add the hot water, and remove when sufficiently warm. Want the health benefits of bone broth, but don't want to make your own? Buy bone broth online here.
Question 5: How do I feed a picky, teething toddler?
I'm in desperate need advice for a teething, growth-spurting toddler who only wants to eat blueberries, granola bars, pb&j, and cheese quesadillas. Any suggestions on foods for a super picky (at the moment, she used to be a fantastic eater) eater? Leah [via Facebook]
Personally, I don't worry too much when my kids go through phases like this because I choose versions of these foods that are nutrient dense and healthy. I would make sure the blueberrries are organic and the cheese is from grassfed cows. I use sprouted or real sourdough bread and sprouted corn tortillas. I make my own peanut butter, use jam with natural ingredients, and non-junkie granola bars. Other than that, keep offering other good foods, but don't stress too much when she rejects them.
Question 6: Is my baby's vein a Sugar Bug?
I have a question about your sugar bug post. My DD, 2 months old, has a dark blue vein across her right eye lid…could that be a sugar bug? Does it only appear on the bridge of their nose? Genevia [via Facebook]
I would have to see you daughter to confirm, but it most likely would not be considered a Sugar Bug unless the vein is on the bridge of the nose. In any case, consider that this diagnostic technique from traditional Japanese medicine is not an absolute life-sentence for sensitivity to sugar or a predisposition to hyperactivity. Even if your child does have a Sugar Bug vein, it merely indicates a potential, not a definitive outcome – a perfect opportunity for preventative medicine!
Question 7: Reducing bone broth
Hi Emily – I am excited to try making bone broth the next time I cook a chicken (and really excited to poach it in the crock pot since when we roast it in the oven, our house gets smokey because it's too old for a hood vent above the stove). Question about cooking it down before you freeze it – I think I read that you do this to concentrate the flavor? Once the broth is finished in the crock, do you strain it into a stock pot and then simmer on the stove until reduced?
I look forward to picking up more helpful daily living practices from your blog!
Hi, Anne. Yes. I strain it into a stock pot and simmer til reduced to about half. For more information, check out these related posts:
Making Chicken Bone Broth – From Basic to Adventurous
Question 8: Natural remedy for kids' seasonal allergies?
My daughter is almost 2 and just recently I have noticed her rubbing her eyes a lot during the day and she's had a mild cough as well. My guess is that she's inherited my seasonal allergies. I get it every spring and because I don't take meds, I basically power through the season and take Allestan (with Quercetin in it). Is there a natural remedy for children's seasonal allergies? Thanks. Becky [via Facebook]
Hi Becky. I know we're past springtime, but hopefully this will still be helpful. For kids with allergies, I think it is essential to treat the gut to heal symptoms. In my practice, I typically recommend probiotics, fermented cod liver oil (the omega 3s will help reduce inflammation and the vitamin D is essential for immune health), plus Chinese herbs to address the lungs and allergy symptoms. Many folks find that nettle tea is helpful for allergies, and sinus rinses can be extremely helpful too.
For more information read: natural remedies for allergies and asthma.
Got questions about real food or holistic health and wondering W.W.E.D.?
If you have a question for me, please first use the handy dandy search bar at the top righthand corner of this site. If that doesn’t give you the answers you need, email [questions at holisticsquid dot com].
I can’t guarantee that I will get to every single question, but I will do my best (with a priority for questions that will serve the most of the Holistic Squid community).
Also, keep in mind that I cannot and will not give you medical advice over the internet. It’s inappropriate and unethical. If you want my medical opinion about a health or nutritional issue for you or your child, I take virtual patient consultations on a limited basis via phone or Skype. You can find out more about my distance consultations here.
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I get totally annoyed with videos on blogs (for the most part), but I appreciated this post by Mama Natural about non-toxic make-up in response to Q2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Itceioz4RA&feature=youtu.be
Noah speaks with James Prosek, author of the new generation, there
is one Obama guide in Pinellas County oof the fishing world,
Australia has a lot more visible, specially on sunny days.
Martin-Wells is fishing ‘backyard bonus’ with Lake
Guntersville right across the surface. The current record is 2, 649.
Without further fishing rod ugly stik ado, here’s my song
about an anglerfish!