Note: I've gotta confess that it feels pretty vulnerable posting a story about my own weight loss and body image issues, and I've been blogging long enough to know that not everyone will agree with or appreciate my experience that I've shared below. To those readers, I wish you the best, and I hope you'll do the same for me. xo Emily
Like many modern women I know, I inherited a dysfunctional relationship to body image and food. I always aspired to be thin, even when I was thin. I related to food as a reward and punishment, as in, I was good, so ‘I'm having this cake' or ‘I'm going to be bad and have this cake'.
Blame the media. Blame our mothers. But at some point, it's time to stop blaming and start healing.
How my body got messed up in the first place
There are many things that contributed to my metabolism going awry. I started dieting at the age of 13 when I didn't have an ounce of body fat to spare. Then as a competitive swimmer, intense training was a minimum of 2 hours per day, and this was often fueled with a small smattering of junk food throughout the day and followed with the largest bowls of spaghetti I could find followed by ice cream drowning in Hersey's syrup.
Then in college in the early 90's, there was my fat-free phase that was abundant in Entenmann's pound cake, nonfat frozen yogurt, Swedish fish candies, fat-free pretzels, and plenty of watery beer. During my freshman year, my total consumption of fat was under 10g per day. Not surprisingly, I tanked out at swim practice, did not have the brain power for late night cramming, and gained almost as much weight as I did during my first pregnancy.
In my 20's I thought I had it figured out. I was a pescatarian, eating tons of seitan, tofu, canned beans, and whole grains. Then when I moved to California and started Chinese medicine school, I decided that a healthy diet should involve meat. Through all this I maintained a fairly healthy body weight with lots and lots of fitness thrown in.
The baby body yo-yo
After Baby #1, my body bounced back rather quickly. Sort of. Due to sleep deprivation and the associated nausea, and to a lesser degree, breastfeeding, I lost all of the baby weight and more, though I felt weak, tired, and cranky most days. But I was thin, at least. (Dysfunction, noted).
With baby #2, I gained more weight and after my little one was born, the extra pounds seemed to stick around. Thanks to my improved sleep (see my post on Why I Ditched Attachment Parenting), I was no longer feeling awful, but I was also carrying a good 15-20 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy body; I was out of shape (who's got time to work out with two small kids?), and could certainly have used more energy.
Though I had considered myself a healthy eater for most of my adult life (we're talking store-bought almond milk, organic meat, lots of veggies, and whole grains), I didn't fully embrace a true-nutrient dense diet until after my second baby.
These days, I'm happy to say that I've ‘got my body back'. Nearly every mama who's had a couple of kids or more (barring those with simply miraculous genes) can understand that this is actually not my pre-baby body, but I can ignore a bit of sag here and there in exchange for having great energy, looking decent clothed or not, and feeling pretty darn good in my own skin.
Since I know that so many women struggle with postpartum weight loss and body image, I want to share the essential steps I found along the way.
I fell in love with real food
When my daughter was a newborn, I watched a video series called ‘Nourishing Our Children'. For the few years prior, I had been exploring Nourishing Traditions, the cookbook and real food bible by Sally Fallon Morel. I was obsessed with making food from scratch including bone broths and sauerkraut, but I didn't grasp the full concepts of the Weston Price Foundation until I saw Nourishing Our Children.
Suddenly, I understood the nourishing benefits of saturated fats from healthy, grass-fed animals. I had a new-found respect for formerly strange foods such as raw milk, liver, and bone marrow. I learned that grains, beans and nuts needed to be properly prepared for proper nutrition. And it became distinctly clear that nearly all modern processed foods (even organic ‘health' foods) were doing nothing positive for my health.
When I finally ditched the junk (buh-bye frozen pizzas), I began to truly nourish myself with the best quality ingredients I could find. Sure, I was eating way more fat than ever – eggs with bright orange yolks, liver blended in with grass-fed ground beef, raw cream, and coconut oil and butter everywhere – but despite the radical shift, I was feeling better than ever.
I healed my gut
As a kid and teen, I wasn't a stranger to antibiotics, which did my gut flora no favors. (If you're new here, I'm referring to the healthy balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract).
In Chinese medicine we know that a healthy digestion is at the core of good health. Symptoms of weak digestion are not limited to poor appetite, upset tummies, acid reflux, constipation, or diarrhea, either. When your digestive “qi” (life force) is weak you may have low energy, depression, anxiety, unhealthy weight (both too heavy or too light), sleep problems, poor stress management, skin conditions, and much, much more.
So, in adopting a real food lifestyle, probiotics have become part of my daily regime. Raw milk, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha – even fermented ketchup and salsa make their way into my diet on a daily basis. In addition, I take a high potency probiotic on occasion, to give my system a boost of healthy micro-flora.
I also take care to eat plenty of soup make with homemade bone broth. Not only is the broth extremely nourishing, and healing, but from a Chinese medicine perspective, cold and raw foods further damage digestion (in other words: go easy on the smoothies and salads).
I gave up giving things up
Probably my single most important step that helped me lose the baby weight was to first heal my poor relationship to food. There's a term that all healthy eaters and aspiring healthy eaters should become acquainted with: orthorexia.
Orthorexia is an eating disorder characterized by obsessive behavior to eat and be healthy and a preoccupation with avoiding unhealthy foods.
Take a minute to consider this. Orthorexia is everywhere in our fat-free, vegan-loving, sugar-fearing, gluten-avoiding, juice cleansing culture. While sometimes, certain foods need to be avoided for true health conditions, in most cases the latest foods you are avoiding may be a symptom of your unhealthy obsession with being healthy.
So, in an effort to recover from my obsessive, reward-and-punishment relationship to food, I vowed to stop giving things up. No more grain-free diets. No candida cleanse. No more limiting my cookie consumption. No restrictions of any kind.
I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Period.
Next, I bought some flattering dresses
As you might imagine, my figure did not magically become svelte with my new free-for-all diet. I continued to exercise three times per week, but my already ill-fitting jeans were feeling more snug than ever. The muffin-top was not working for my self-esteem.
So, rather than give up on my mission, I decided it was time to go shopping. I bought a collection of new, flattering dresses from my favorite shop in Los Angeles, ME and Blue. For an entire year, the only pants I wore were stretchy yoga pants around the house, and a sole pair of little black shorts that highlighted my genetically-more-gifted bottom half.
Without the ill-fitting clothes, I didn't feel so gross. I even began to look at myself in the mirror with admiration for my own strength and beauty – as is – a new and novel concept that only took a few decades to discover.
I got moving
After about a year of eating ‘all the things' and wearing flattering dresses, I felt like I was finally ready to be proactive in changing my body without going back into a cycle of self-punishment.
I got a FitBit, a fantastic tool that helped me to see clearly that my formerly fit self was sitting on the sofa blogging and not moving nearly enough. You can read about my love of my FitBit here. I spent a few months getting my fitness level up simply by accomplishing 10K steps per day.
My rewards: more energy, a bit more muscle tone, and a much better attitude.
My other key to exercise was finding something I LOVE to do. While I'd been spinning twice a week (off and on) for about 9 years, I recently discovered a spinning studio that rocks my world, and I love to get there as often as possible. Making exercise fun certainly ups the chances of getting it done.
I got accountable
After months of walking or spinning 10K steps per day, it became evident that my scale and jean size wasn't about to budge with my current strategy. So I decided to – ever so gently and lovingly – take it to the next level.
FitBit has a handy-dandy calorie counting feature that, given my disdain for dieting, was something that I initially had no interest in using. But then I considered my journey thus far – my metabolism was being nourished with nutrient dense foods, I was exercising regularly and moderately, and I was doing my best with managing stress and getting enough sleep. All things considered, if I wanted to lose some body fat, it was going to have to come from a calories-in-calories-out tally.
Yes, it's calorie counting. Stigma-ladened, dieter's territory. But done properly, a calorie really is a calorie. Plus, since the FitBit is also monitoring my movement and exercise, the more I moved the more I could eat.
I decided to set my target at a 700 calorie per day deficit. Based on my activity level, that typically put me in the range of 1600-2200 calories per day. I continued not to restrict what I ate, I just began to moderate the quantity.
Here's an example of a typical day…
Breakfast: A piece of sourdough toast with grass-fed butter and a scrambled egg (with cultured salsa if we had some). A black tea with raw milk and a spoonful of raw honey.
Lunch: A pint of hearty stew from my meal plans.
Dinner: Rice (cooked in bone broth), steamed veggies with butter, and salmon.
Snacks: Naturally fermented sauerkraut or pickles, dried seaweed with a bit of goat cheese, popcorn drizzled with butter. Herbal tea in the evening to warm my tummy and the occasional stevia soda as a treat.
I keep orthorexia and body dysmorphia in check
In the beginning this method worked pretty well; I was only occasionally hungry, and would typically just go ahead and give myself a pass to eat what I wanted on those days. Rather than seeing these as ‘cheat' days, it worked better for me to think of it as honoring my body's needs.
As time went on, there were certainly moments where I could hear the Over-achiever, the Chronic Dieter, or the Self-Judgement Department trying to take over, and then I would gently step back and have a few days or weeks when I paid no attention to calories until I was once again driving my own ship.
Over the course of about 6 months I have slowly dropped 15 pounds, gotten much stronger, and feel confident in my own skin.
While it was fun to put on the ridiculous pink dress below (no, I did not wear it outside my house) this experience hasn't been about ‘achieving' a weight loss goal or a smaller dress size, but rather a journey of introspection, self-love, and gentle respect for my body.
In summary, here are…
My top 5 strategies for losing baby weight
#1 – Eat real food
This is both a simple and confounding concept in our modern world. If you're a newbie, check out this starter guide and be sure to scroll down and subscribe to my newsletter so you can receive helpful information and recipes in your inbox.
#2 – Heal your metabolism
Aside from eating real food, this includes having healthy gut flora, recovering from restrictive diets, and getting your digestive fire burning again. If your metabolism is broken, you will continue to struggle and struggle with your weight and health. Far and away the BEST resource for learning how to get your metabolism thriving is this ebook: Nourished Metabolism by Elizabeth Walling.
#3 – Learn to love your body (and your whole self)
You would never speak to a small child the way you speak to yourself in your own head. Don't you think it's time to be NICE to yourself? For me, this started with wearing clothes that didn't feel like a punishment, eating food that I was craving, and appreciating my own beauty and strength.
How can you be good to yourself today?
#4 – Move!
Everyone has different needs when it comes to exercise. I'm the type that feels great with short bursts of aerobic exertion, but since I'm super bendy, I also need isolated strengthening to maintain integrity in my joints. Things like running and yoga aren't great for me, but I know plenty of folks who thrive off of these activities and wouldn't be caught dead on a spin bike or pilates reformer.
Point is, you need to find exercise that 1) works best for your body and 2) you actually enjoy. If you don't think you like exercising, then you just haven't tried the right thing yet. In the meantime: walk, walk, walk and simply get your heart pumping and your blood and energy flowing.
#5 – Be honest
If you sit on your bottom and eat a bag of cookies daily, it's no wonder your body isn't behaving the way you'd like it to. Likewise, if you've been chronically over-exercising or dieting, you can't expect your metabolism to be operating at its best. Like me, you may be in denial about your lack of sleep or your overwhelming daily stresses – not a recipe for health.
Healthy weight loss never comes in a magic pill or shake. A healthy body will settle at an equilibrium weight, given the right foods and amounts (not too much or too little), enough movement, and honor and respect.
If your metabolism is functioning optimally (check out the chart in this post), and you've got a healthy relationship with food and your body, you may be able to start looking at calorie intake vs. output from a healthy perspective.
Go slow, and above all, take love with you.
Click here to get Nourished Metabolism today
Great post! I’ve been “preaching” this to my family and friends for years. I’ve lost over 60 lbs making these (and other) changes and I feel so much better! Eat right, exercise daily and die anyway, they say: sure, but you’ll probably not die nearly as soon nor nearly as painfully. Here’s to a better, longer life!
Oh, and congratulations, you look great!!!
This is an amazing amazing post. Thanks!
Thank you SO much for this post! I have always had a terrible relationship with food and can relate so much to this post. I’ve never been overweight, but after baby #2 I’ve really struggled with feeling fit again and my negative self-talk and food being good or bad has really taken over me. I’m really wanting to make a positive change and so much of what you write is going to be so helpful I think. Thanks!
Oh man is this actually me??? From the low fat diet at 13 to finding Sally Fallon after my second baby! Well this gives me hope !!! I am about 6 months in to a more nutrient dense way of life so I hope my journey continues with more self love and just a few less of these lbs 😉 you look awesome in that pink dress, rock it for date night 😉
Great story, great advice, and you look wonderful and healthy 🙂
Were you breast feeding when you started calorie counting? How do you feel breast feeding contributed to or slowed your weight loss? My daughter is 15 months now and we are still breast feeding. I intend to continue with her at least till she’s 2. I’ve started exercising more regularly and am definitely a whole food eater but I’m hesitating to calorie count.
I appreciate your willingness to be vulnerable and share your story. Sounds similar to mine! I especially appreciated learning the term ‘orthoexia’-never heard of it but have certainly practiced it.
Just turned on to your site. Lots of great info here. Thanks, will keep reading and learning.
beautiful post! totally agree
thank you for sharing your story
Congrats. You looks AMAZING.
I have been underweight most of my life until I hit my mid forties and then boom a big belly appeared. I decided that if I am going to lose weight that it will be done responsibly….no calorie counting, no daily weigh ins just real food and light exercising. I saw my friends obsessively diet and then become discouraged and that was sometime I truly want to avoid. Thank you for a well written very encouraging article.
This message needs to get out more. I’ve had a similar journey and I wish I learned much of it 20 years ago. But life is so much better now.
(and is it just me or can you not take an unflattering picture? Seriously, you’re adorable.)
I’ve never heard of “orthorexia” before but I can honestly say it rules my life. This blog post really made me realize that all I think about all day is counting calories, when I cheat, etc. You know the deal. I will check out some of the links you posted and try to overcome this bad habit.
Hi Emily, great post. I have a question for you. You mentioned that you healed your gut and that you gave up grain-free diets and candida cleanses. How did you heal your gut? Do you not have candida overgrowth anymore? Do you have any references to back up that cold and raw foods are bad for digestion? I have been diagnosed with candida and I probably have leaky gut. I am trying to find healing for me. Thanks.
Hi, thanks for the great post. Could you share the “Nourishing Our Children” talks? Where can we find them?
I started eating more good fats and protein to balance my hormones before and after pregnancy, not with losing weight in mind and I did notice my lower belly bloat went away when eating this way and I did not gain any weight, in fact loss 1 lb.
Go girl!! Great post! 😉
You SO need to wear that pink dress out! Why hide that amazing body?? Do it for all the moms. ;-D
Thanks so much for the great post! I held onto an extra 15 pounds after baby #2 due to a stressful situation and a metabolism that needed major healing. After, Baby #3, I followed the Eat for Heat protocol and it definitely helped me feel better, but now I am 40 pounds over my healthy weight. I am afraid to start exerising again because I still have metabolic issues and I know I’m not ready to diet….still, I am having a hard time loving my bigger body and I hate being the “fat sister” in my thin family. Thanks to my elevated body temps and way more fertile body, I am now (unexpectedly, but happily) pregnant with #4. More weight gain literally terrifies me. I’m going to start out with some simple exerises and see how I do. Your story is an inspiration (even though I have a lot more to lose!) Thanks!
I’m not one to comment on the blogs that I follow regularly, but this really struck a chord! I’m still on my healing journey trying to get rid of symptoms of brain fog and depression from a leaky gut and candida issues , and on a pretty restrictive diet. Just like you, what a long road it’s been! Learning Snackwells and Sweedish fish in those younger years were not okay just because they’re fat free. Ugh! My friends keep telling me I need to write a book about my journey as if it were unique, but the more I learn from my real food bloggers the more I know it’s not an uncommon journey. What I would love to do eventually is write a book directed at teens and early 20s girls, get them before they go down this road. I’ve spent a ton of time, money and energy trying to heal all the damage I did back then, it would be great to help others now from going down this path and learn about eating real food when they’re coming of age. And now there’s even more to compete with as I watch teens downing all these energy drinks. Thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes we don’t realize that the reason our favorite bloggers eat so well now is because they had something to overcome. It’s nice to know we’re all human!
I have been studying to be a naturopath for 4 years now and it has been an incredible journey, throughout this time you have been a wonderful voice of truth and reason. I love your posts and this one just takes the cake, thankyou for being so real and so inspiring!
Well done! As a fellow acupuncturist, homeschooler, blogger, real food lover and mother of two I really needed this post. I have been struggling with losing the last of the baby weight myself. After slipping into terrible post partum diet habits after two pregnancies with hyperemesis gravidarum, my usual confidence took a nosedive. Why can I help others get healthy and not myself? Ah, yes, but don’t we all need a litle help from time to time? YES! So thank you for saying what I already knew but really, really needed to hear. So from one sunny beach to another, thanks, and way to go. You look great, but more importantly I can tell that you feel great. After all, isn’t that the real win?
Thank you for constantly reminding me to keep with it. My baby weight has been sitting around too, and I need to combine all of these techniques instead of just counting calories….
Great post! I really needed this post.
thank you for sharing your story.
totally agree
You look fantastic Em!!!!!
I enjoyed your post & the 5 strategies. Gillian Riley writes some great books that focus on healthy eating, too. You and your readers may enjoy those.
You look stunning,Thanks for sharing helpful ways by which original shape can retain easily
Just for the record you look great in both your before and after photo! Thank you for such an amazing message on learning to love ourselves. Self loathing can really get in the way of health. After my 2nd baby I lost a great deal of weight and was very fit (although my diet was not healthy by the terms that I understand now of nutrient density) but I could not see it. I always thought I needed to lose another 10 or 15 lbs. And another pant size at least …maybe 2. Now I look back on pictures and I can see just how thin I really was! Why couldn’t I see it then? I was too blinded by self loathing. Now I’m pregnant with baby number 4 and continually struggle to love my body for all that it’s accomplished. Thank you again for such a wonderful reminder and encouragement to learn to love our bodies. Because no matter how much progress we may make if we don’t learn to love our bodies 1st, no progress will ever be enough.
What a great story! I have also changed my body a lot through eating a real food diet and healing my gut and also taking care of my adrenal health. I have to say though, the thing I love the most about your article is your bit about wearing dresses. I did the exact same thing when I was experiencing a flare in my autoimmune disease and had put on weight (out of my control). I was so uncomfortable and my body image was so bad I decided to stop wearing pants/jeans and stick to skirts and dresses and it really changed how I felt. I felt more put together, I felt like I looked put together and attractive and every change going on in my body wasn’t immediately visible in the form of a muffin top or a sagging waist. Dresses adjust as your body does. It really made me appreciate why women have worn dresses for most of history! Plus when I lost the weight I didn’t have to go out and buy new clothes. I have never met anyone who made this choice for the same reasons as I did though, the only people I know who have chose to wear dresses and skirts most of the time do it for conservative religious reasons. Needless to say, I am excited to not be alone in this mentality 🙂 great article. Thanks for being open and honest and sharing!